3.9. Example: Attach Storage Domains to Data Center

The following example attaches the data1 and iso1 storage domains to the Default data center.

Example 3.9. Attach data1 storage domain to the Default data center


POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/01a45ff0-915a-11e0-8b87-5254004ac988/storagedomains HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml


cURL command:

# curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
    -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] \
    -d "<storage_domain><name>data1</name></storage_domain>" \
    https://[RHEVM Host]:443/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/01a45ff0-915a-11e0-8b87-5254004ac988/storagedomains

Example 3.10. Attach iso1 storage domain to the Default data center


POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/01a45ff0-915a-11e0-8b87-5254004ac988/storagedomains HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml


cURL command:

# curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
    -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] \
    -d "<storage_domain><name>iso1</name></storage_domain>" \
    https://[RHEVM Host]:443/ovirt-engine/api/datacenters/01a45ff0-915a-11e0-8b87-5254004ac988/storagedomains

These POST requests place our two new storage_domain resources in the storagedomains sub-collection of the Default data center. This means the storagedomains sub-collection contains attached storage domains of the data center.