Appendix G. Migrating from RHUI 2 to RHUI 3.1


The following procedure migrates only Red Hat repositories; it does not migrate custom repositories.


  1. Run the following command to mount the downloaded ISO to the mnt directory on the RHUA:

    [root@rhua mnt]# mkdir rhui
    [root@rhua mnt]# mount -o loop <ISO> rhui
  2. Copy the migration script from rhui/migrate/ to the RHUI 2+ RHUA.

    [root@rhua ~]# scp rhui/migrate/ rhua2:/directory/in/rhua2
  3. Log in to the Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x RHUA and run the following script to generate rhui-export-config-{timestamp}.tar.

    [root@rhua2 ~]# python ./ -password <PASSWORD>

    Replace <PASSWORD> with the RHUI administrator’s password.

  4. Copy the rhui-export tarball to a Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9 directory.

    [root@rhua2 ~]# scp rhui-export-config-{timestamp}.tar rhui3:
  5. Access a fully installed Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9.
  6. Unpack the rhui-export tarball.

    [root@rhua ~]# tar xvf rhui-export-config-{timestamp}.tar
  7. Import data from Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x.

    [root@rhua ~]# ./
  8. Enter the RHUI password when prompted.

The rhui-export tarball also contains entitlement Certificate Authority (CA) files collected from the RHUI 2 RHUA: the CA certificate and its key. You can use the CA certificate file on a RHUI 3 CDS node to allow clients that previously fetched content from your RHUI 2 to continue to work when you switch to RHUI 3. See Section 7.3, “Configure a content delivery server to accept legacy CAs” for more information about accepting legacy CAs.

Alternatively, you can force your clients to start using Red Hat Update Infrastructure3.1.9. If you want to do this, you must take several steps to complete the migration from Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x to Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9.

For example, you would need to perform the following steps:

  • Generate a new entitlement certificate for the migrated repositories on the Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9 RHUA.
  • Create a client configuration RPM from that certificate.
  • Copy and install the RPM on the client, replacing the previous yum configuration for the Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x RHUA.

In other words, you must have created such an RPM on Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x and installed it on a client, with a file named example-rpm-1-1.noarch.rpm, for example. On Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9, after migrating the repositories, you would generate an entitlement and create an RPM named example-rpm-2-1.noarch.rpm.

The Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool enables you specify the Version of the configuration RPM. If you used 1 on Red Hat Update Infrastructure 2.x, use a higher number on Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9, for example, 2. Then you can use yum update example-rpm-2-1.noarch.rpm or rpm -U example-rpm-2-1.noarch.rpm on the client. The configuration is replaced completely, and the client is ready to consume content from Red Hat Update Infrastructure 3.1.9. If you use a different name, you must remove the old configuration package (yum remove example-rpm or rpm -e example-rpm) and install the new one.

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