Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Satellite

Chapter 22. Namespace: kickstart.tree

Provides methods to access and modify the kickstart trees.
Namespace: kickstart.tree

22.1. Method: create


Create a kickstart tree (Distribution) in Red Hat Satellite.


The following parameters are available for this method:

  • string sessionKey
  • string treeLabel - The new kickstart tree label
  • string basePath - Path to the base or root of the kickstart tree
  • string channelLabel - Label of channel to associate with the kickstart tree.
  • string installType - Label for KickstartInstallType (rhel_3, rhel_4, rhel_5, rhel_6, fedora_18).

The following return values are available for this method:

  • int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise.