Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

14.13. gnocchi benchmark measures show

usage: gnocchi benchmark measures show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                       [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                       [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [--resource-id RESOURCE_ID]
                                       [--aggregation AGGREGATION]
                                       [--start START] [--stop STOP]
                                       [--granularity GRANULARITY] [--refresh]
                                       [--workers WORKERS] --count COUNT
Do benchmark testing of measurements show

Positional arguments


        ID or name of the metric

Optional arguments

-h, --help

        show this help message and exit

--resource-id RESOURCE_ID, -r RESOURCE_ID

      ID of the resource

--aggregation AGGREGATION

      aggregation to retrieve

--start START

        beginning of the period

--stop STOP

        end of the period

--granularity GRANULARITY

      granularity to retrieve (in seconds)


        force aggregation of all known measures

--workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS

      Number of workers to use

--count COUNT, -n COUNT

      Number of total measures to send