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11.13. JMS Routing

JMS Routing

JMS routing is performed via the jms:router configuration from the configuration namespace. The following is an example jms:router configuration that routes an orderItem_xml bean to a JMS Queue named smooks.exampleQueue:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<smooks-resource-list xmlns=""
        Filter the message using the SAX Filter (i.e. not DOM, so no
        intermediate DOM, so we can process huge messages...
        <core:filterSettings type="SAX" />
(1)     <resource-config selector="order,order-item">
(2)     <jms:router routeOnElement="order-item" beanId="orderItem_xml" destination="smooks.exampleQueue">
                <!-- Need to use special FreeMarker variable ".vars" -->
            <jms:highWaterMark mark="3"/>
(3)     <ftl:freemarker applyOnElement="order-item">
            Note in the template that we need to use the special FreeMarker variable ".vars"
            because of the hyphenated variable names ("order-item"). See
                <!-- Bind the templating result into the bean context, from where
                it can be accessed by the JMSRouter (configured above). -->
                <ftl:bindTo id="orderItem_xml"/>
In this case, we route the result of a FreeMarker templating operation to the JMS Queue (that is, as a String). We could also have routed a full Object Model, in which case it would be routed as a Serialized ObjectMessage.