Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio

3. New Features

This release of JBoss Developer Studio includes new features to enhance and extend its functionality as detailed here:
Forge Tools
  • The included Forge 2 runtime is version 2.14.0.Final.
JBoss Hybrid Mobile Tools and CordovaSim
  • FeedHenry support is available in the IDE, enabling import of applications from FeedHenry to the IDE for development with Cordova features, testing of applications deployed on local and remote FeedHenry severs with CordovaSim, and pushing of application changes back to FeedHenry for immediate deployment.
  • A warning is added to CordovaSim when using a remote proxy to ensure you are alert to the potential security risks if transferring sensitive data from the application being tested with CordovaSim.
  • Technology Preview -- Window Phone support has been added for Cordova projects when running the IDE on a Microsoft Windows operating system, with actions to run workspace projects on the Windows Phone emulator (distributed with Visual Studio) and export workspace projects as Windows native project.


    Window Phone support is provided as a Technology Preview in this release. This means that it is provided as-is, without support or guarantees. Your feedback is appreciated.
JBoss Central
  • Updated plug-ins in JBoss Central have the following versions:
    • AngularJS Eclipse (Early Access) 0.8.0
  • The HTML5, Java EE Web and EAR project wizards now have WildFly 8.2.0.Final archetypes, with the archetype automatically selected with choosing a WildFly runtime in the project wizard.
Visual Editor
  • On Linux-based operating systems, the Visual Editor can be configured for working with JSF or HTML files by altering the web engine used, requiring XULRunner and WebKit respectively. The web engine configuration can be modified in the IDE Preferences and necessitates an IDE restart for changes to take effect.
  • Warnings for HTML tags that are not in the HTML specification can be disabled, including tag name masks such as <ion-*>.
IPv6 Hostnames
When using JBoss 7 and Wildfly installations, hostnames can be defined using the IPv6 format. Additionally, the IPv6 pattern is now automatically recognized and the relevant launch configurations arguments are automatically updated with the expected flags set.