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1.12. Additional Data Source Connection Properties

When using the driver class, various properties are derived from the URL. For the data source class, these properties are set using the following additional methods:

Table 1.3. Data Source Connection Properties

Method Name Type Description
setAlternateServers String Optional delimited list of host:port entries. Refer to Section 2.1, “Using Multiple Hosts” for more information.
setAdditionalProperties String Optional setting of properties that has the same format as the property string in a driver connection URL. Refer to Section 1.8, “Driver Connection URL Format”
setDatabaseName String The name of a virtual database (VDB) deployed to JBoss Data Virtualization.


VDB names can contain version information; for example, myvdb.2. If such a name is used in the URL, this has the same effect as supplying a version=2 connection property. Note that if the VDB name contains version information, you cannot also use the version property in the same request.
setDatabaseVersion String The VDB version.
setDataSourceName String The name given to this data source
setPortNumber int The port number on which the server process is listening.
setServerName String The server hostname where the JBoss Data Virtualization runtime is installed.
setSecure boolean Secure connection. Flag to indicate to use SSL (mms) based connection between client and server.


All of the URL Connection Properties can be used on the data source. To do so, use the AdditionalProperties setter method if the corresponding setter method is not already available.