Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

16.2. Finding Model Objects

The Teiid Designer provides a name based search capability to quickly locate and display model objects.
To find a model object:
  1. Open the Find Model Object dialog by either selecting the action on the main Teiid Designer toolbar or select the same action via the main menu's Search > Find Model Object action.
  2. Begin typing a word or partial word in the Type Object Name field. Wild card (*) characters will be honored. As you type, the objects which match the desired name will be displayed in the Matching Model Objects list. If there are more than one objects with the same name, the locations or paths of the objects are displayed in the Locations list.
  3. If more than one object exists with the desired name, select the one of the locations.
  4. Click OK. If editor is not open for the object's model, an editor will open. The desired object results in a diagram (if applicable) and selected.