3.5. Configure the Gluster Storage Cluster

Configure these instances to form a trusted storage pool (cluster).


If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 machines, log in to the Azure portal and reset the password for the VMs and also restart the VMs. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 machines, password reset is not required.
  1. Log into each node using the keys or with password.
    # ssh -i  [path-to-key-pem] [admin-name@public-ip-address]
    # ssh [admin-name@public-ip-address]
    For example,
    # ssh -i /root/.azure/ssh/rhgs72-key.pem clouduser@rhgs72.east.cloudapp.azure.com
    # ssh clouduser@rhgs72.east.cloudapp.azure.com
  2. Register each node to Red Hat Network using the subscription-manager command, and attach the relevant Red Hat Storage subscriptions.
    For information on subscribing to the Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5 channels, see the Installing Red Hat Gluster Storage chapter in the Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5 Installation Guide.
  3. Update each node to ensure the latest enhancements and patches are in place.
    # yum update
  4. Follow the instructions in the Adding Servers to the Trusted Storage Pool chapter in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Administration Guide to create the trusted storage pool.