2.5.5. Periodic Log Handler Properties

Table 2.8. Periodic Log Handler Properties

Property Datatype Description
append boolean
If set to true then all messages written by this handler will be appended to the file if it already exists. If set to false a new file will be created each time the application server launches. Changes to append require a server reboot to take effect.
autoflush boolean
If set to true the log messages will be sent to the handlers assigned file immediately upon receipt. Changes to autoflush require a server reboot to take effect.
encoding string
The character encoding scheme to be used for the output.
formatter string
The log formatter used by this log handler.
level string
The maximum level of log message the log handler records.
name string
The unique identifier for this log handler.
file object
Object that represents the file where the output of this log handler is written to. It has two configuration properties, relative-to and path.
relative-to string
This is a property of the file object and is the directory where the log file is written to. File path variables can be specified here. The jboss.server.log.dir variable points to the log/> directory of the server.
path string
This is a property of the file object and is the name of the file where the log messages will be written. It is a relative path name that is appended to the value of the relative-to property to determine the complete path.
suffix string
This is a string with is both appended to filename of the rotated logs and is used to determine the frequency of rotation. The format of the suffix is a dot (.) followed by a date string which is parsable by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. The log is rotated on the basis of the smallest time unit defined by the suffix. For example the suffix .yyyy-MM-dd will result in daily log rotation.