9.10.3. Configuring Disk Quotas

User quotas enforce disk quotas per gear because each gear corresponds to a system user. The quota values are set in the /etc/openshift/resource_limits.conf file. Modify these values to suit your requirements.

Table 9.5. Disk Quota Configuration Options:

Option Description
quota_files The number of files the gear is allowed to own.
quota_blocks The amount of space the gear is allowed to consume in blocks (1 block = 1024 bytes).


The minimum allowed value for the quota_blocks parameter is 1 GB.
Enable enforcement of disk quotas at the file system level.

Procedure 9.7. To Enable Disk Quotas:

  1. Consult the /etc/fstab file to determine which device is mounted as /var/lib/openshift. In a simple setup, it is the root partition, but in a production system, it is more likely a RAID or NAS mount at /var/lib/openshift. The following steps in this procedure use the root partition as the example mount point. Adjust these to suit your system requirements.
  2. Add a usrquota option for that mount point entry in the /etc/fstab file.

    Example 9.7. Example Entry in the /etc/fstab file

    UUID=4f182963-5e00-4bfc-85ed-9f14149cbc79  /  ext4  defaults,usrquota  1 1
  3. Reboot the node host or remount the mount point:
    # mount -o remount /
  4. Generate user quota information for the mount point:
    # quotacheck -cmug /
  5. Fix the SELinux permissions on the aquota.user file located in the top directory of the mount point:
    # restorecon /aquota.user
  6. Re-enable quotas on the mount point:
    # quotaon /
Verifying the Disk Quota Configuration

Create an application and then run the following command to verify that your disk quota is correct:

# repquota -a | grep gear-uuid