Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Common Criteria Certification

5.2. Transactional drivers

The JBossJTA provides JDBC drivers to incorporate JDBC connections within transactions. These drivers intercept all invocations and connect them to the appropriate transactions. A given JDBC driver can only be driven by a single type of transactional driver. If the database is not transactional, ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties cannot be guaranteed. Invoke the driver using the com.arjuna.ats.jdbc.TransactionalDriver interface, which implements the java.sql.Driver interface.

5.2.1. Loading drivers

You can instantiate and use the driver from within an application. For example:
TransactionalDriver arjunaJDBC2Driver = new TransactionalDriver();
The JDBC driver manager (java.sql.DriverManager) to manage driver instances by adding them to the Java system properties. The jdbc.drivers property contains a list of driver class names, separated by colons, which the JDBC driver manager loads when it is initialized.
Alternatively, you can use the Class.forName() method to load the driver or drivers.
Calling the Class.forName() method automatically registers the driver with the JDBC driver manager. You can also explicitly create an instance of the JDBC driver.
sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver drv = new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver();
After you load the driver, it is available for making a connection with a DBMS.