Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Common Criteria Certification

15.2. Narrowing the result set

An individual query criterion is an instance of the interface org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion. The class org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions defines factory methods for obtaining certain built-in Criterion types.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
    .add("name", "Fritz%") )
    .add( Restrictions.between("weight", minWeight, maxWeight) )
Restrictions can be grouped logically.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
    .add("name", "Fritz%") )
    .add( Restrictions.or(
        Restrictions.eq( "age", new Integer(0) ),
    ) )
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
    .add( "name", new String[] { "Fritz", "Izi", "Pk" } ) )
    .add( Restrictions.disjunction()
        .add( Restrictions.isNull("age") )
        .add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(0) ) )
        .add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(1) ) )
        .add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(2) ) )
There are a range of built-in criterion types (Restrictions subclasses). One of the most useful allows you to specify SQL directly.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
    .add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction("lower({alias}.name) like lower(?)", "Fritz%", Hibernate.STRING) )
The {alias} placeholder with be replaced by the row alias of the queried entity.
You can also obtain a criterion from a Property instance. You can create a Property by calling Property.forName():
Property age = Property.forName("age");
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
    .add( Restrictions.disjunction()
        .add( age.isNull() )
        .add( age.eq( new Integer(0) ) )
        .add( age.eq( new Integer(1) ) )
        .add( age.eq( new Integer(2) ) )
    .add( Property.forName("name").in( new String[] { "Fritz", "Izi", "Pk" } ) )