7.14. Lazy Mock

You might have a dependency on a bean that is rarely used, but takes a long time to configure. You can use a lazy mock of the bean, demonstrated in Example 7.24, “Lazy Mock”, to resolve the dependency. When you actually need the bean, invoke and use the target bean, hoping it has been installed by then.

Example 7.24. Lazy Mock

<bean name="lazyA" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.lazy.LazyImpl">
      <lazy bean="lazyB">
<bean name="lazyB" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.lazy.LazyImpl">
      <lazy bean="lazyA">
<lazy name="anotherLazy" bean="Pojo" exposeClass="true"/>
<bean name="Pojo" class="org.jboss.demos.ioc.lazy.Pojo"/>