3.8. Example: Create NFS ISO Storage

An NFS ISO storage domain is a mounted NFS share attached to a data center and provides storage for DVD/CD-ROM ISO and virtual floppy disk (VFD) image files. Creation of a new storage domain requires a POST request, with the storage domain representation included, sent to the URL of the storage domain collection.
You can enable the wipe after delete option by default on the storage domain. To configure this specify <wipe_after_delete> in the POST request. This option can be edited after the domain is created, but doing so will not change the wipe after delete property of disks that already exist.

Example 3.8. Create an NFS ISO storage domain


POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml


cURL command:

# curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
    -u [USER:PASS] --cacert [CERT] \
    -d "<storage_domain><name>iso1</name><type>iso</type> \
    <storage><type>nfs</type><address></address> \
    <path>/iso1</path></storage> \
    <host><name>hypervisor</name></host></storage_domain>" \
    https://[RHEVM Host]:443/ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains

The API creates a NFS iso storage domain called iso1 with an export path of and gets access to the storage domain through the hypervisor host. The API also returns the following representation of the newly created storage domain resource.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept: application/xml

<storage_domain id="00f0d9ce-da15-4b9e-9e3e-3c898fa8b6da"
    <link rel="permissions"
    <link rel="files"
    <host id="" href="">
    <host id="0656f432-923a-11e0-ad20-5254004ac988"