Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Chapter 3. Integrating an Existing Ceph Storage Cluster with an Overcloud

This chapter describes how to create an Overcloud and integrate it with an existing Ceph Storage Cluster. For instructions on how to create both Overcloud and Ceph Storage Cluster, see Chapter 2, Creating an Overcloud with Ceph Storage Nodes instead.

The scenario described in this chapter consists of six nodes in the Overcloud:

  • Three Controller nodes with high availability.
  • Three Compute nodes.

The director will integrate a separate Ceph Storage Cluster with its own nodes into the Overcloud. You manage this cluster independently from the Overcloud. For example, you scale the Ceph Storage cluster using the Ceph management tools and not through the OpenStack Platform director. Consult the Red Hat Ceph documentation for more information.

All OpenStack machines are bare metal systems using IPMI for power management. These nodes do not require an operating system because the director copies a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 image to each node.

The director communicates to the Controller and Compute nodes through the Provisioning network during the introspection and provisioning processes. All nodes connect to this network through the native VLAN. For this example, we use as the Provisioning subnet with the following IP address assignments: ⁠

Node NameIP AddressMAC AddressIPMI IP Address 




Controller 1

DHCP defined



Controller 2

DHCP defined



Controller 3

DHCP defined



Compute 1

DHCP defined



Compute 2

DHCP defined



Compute 3

DHCP defined



3.1. Configuring the Existing Ceph Storage Cluster

  1. Create the following pools in your Ceph cluster relevant to your environment:

    • volumes: Storage for OpenStack Block Storage (cinder)
    • images: Storage for OpenStack Image Storage (glance)
    • vms: Storage for instances
    • backups: Storage for OpenStack Block Storage Backup (cinder-backup)
    • metrics: Storage for OpenStack Telemetry Metrics (gnocchi)

      Use the following commands as a guide:

      [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create volumes PGNUM
      [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create images PGNUM
      [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create vms PGNUM
      [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create backups PGNUM
      [root@ceph ~]# ceph osd pool create metrics PGNUM

      Replace PGNUM with the number of placement groups. We recommend approximately 100 per OSD. For example, the total number of OSDs multiplied by 100 divided by the number of replicas (osd pool default size). You can also use the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator to determine a suitable value.

  2. Create a client.openstack user in your Ceph cluster with the following capabilities:

    • cap_mon: allow r
    • cap_osd: allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=backups, allow rwx pool=metrics

      Use the following command as a guide:

      [root@ceph ~]# ceph auth add client.openstack mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=backups, allow rwx pool=metrics'
  3. Next, note the Ceph client key created for the client.openstack user:

    [root@ceph ~]# ceph auth list
    	key: AQDLOh1VgEp6FRAAFzT7Zw+Y9V6JJExQAsRnRQ==
    	caps: [mon] allow r
    	caps: [osd] allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=backups, allow rwx pool=metrics

    The key value here (AQDLOh1VgEp6FRAAFzT7Zw+Y9V6JJExQAsRnRQ==) is your Ceph client key.

  4. Finally, note the file system ID of your Ceph Storage cluster. This value is specified with the fsid setting in the configuration file of your cluster (under the [global] section):

    fsid = 4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19

    For more information about the Ceph Storage cluster configuration file, see Configuration Reference (from the Red Hat Ceph Storage Configuration Guide).

The Ceph client key and file system ID will both be used later in Section 3.5, “Integrating with the Existing Ceph Storage Cluster”.

3.2. Initializing the Stack User

Log into the director host as the stack user and run the following command to initialize your director configuration:

$ source ~/stackrc

This sets up environment variables containing authentication details to access the director’s CLI tools.

3.3. Registering Nodes

A node definition template (instackenv.json) is a JSON format file and contains the hardware and power management details for registering nodes. For example:


After creating the template, save the file to the stack user’s home directory (/home/stack/instackenv.json), then import it into the director. Use the following command to accomplish this:

$ openstack baremetal import --json ~/instackenv.json

This imports the template and registers each node from the template into the director.

Assign the kernel and ramdisk images to all nodes:

$ openstack baremetal configure boot

The nodes are now registered and configured in the director.

3.4. Manually Tagging the Nodes

After registering each node, you will need to inspect the hardware and tag the node into a specific profile. Profile tags match your nodes to flavors, and in turn the flavors are assigned to a deployment role.

To inspect and tag new nodes, follow these steps:

  1. Trigger hardware introspection to retrieve the hardware attributes of each node:

    $ openstack baremetal introspection bulk start

    Make sure this process runs to completion. This process usually takes 15 minutes for bare metal nodes.

  2. Retrieve a list of your nodes to identify their UUIDs:

    $ ironic node-list
  3. Add a profile option to the properties/capabilities parameter for each node to manually tag a node to a specific profile.

    For example, to tag three nodes to use the control profile and another three nodes to use the compute profile, run:

    $ ironic node-update 1a4e30da-b6dc-499d-ba87-0bd8a3819bc0 add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
    $ ironic node-update 6faba1a9-e2d8-4b7c-95a2-c7fbdc12129a add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
    $ ironic node-update 5e3b2f50-fcd9-4404-b0a2-59d79924b38e add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
    $ ironic node-update 484587b2-b3b3-40d5-925b-a26a2fa3036f add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'
    $ ironic node-update d010460b-38f2-4800-9cc4-d69f0d067efe add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'
    $ ironic node-update d930e613-3e14-44b9-8240-4f3559801ea6 add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'

The addition of the profile option tags the nodes into each respective profiles.


As an alternative to manual tagging, use the Automated Health Check (AHC) Tools to automatically tag larger numbers of nodes based on benchmarking data.

3.5. Integrating with the Existing Ceph Storage Cluster

Create a copy of /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-ceph-external.yaml to a directory in your stack user’s home directory:

[stack@director ~]# mkdir templates
[stack@director ~]# cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-ceph-external.yaml ~/templates/.

Edit the file and set the following parameters:

  • Set the CephExternal resource definition to an absolute path:
OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml
  • Set the following three parameters using your Ceph Storage environment details:

  • Add the following parameter to set vxlan as the neutron network type:

    • NeutronNetworkType: vxlan
  • If necessary, also set the name of the OpenStack pools and the client user using the following parameters and values:

    • CephClientUserName: openstack
    • NovaRbdPoolName: vms
    • CinderRbdPoolName: volumes
    • GlanceRbdPoolName: images
    • CinderBackupRbdPoolName: backups
    • GnocchiRbdPoolName: metrics

3.6. Backwards Compatibility with Older Versions of Red Hat Ceph Storage

If you are integrating Red Hat OpenStack Platform with an external Ceph Storage Cluster from an earlier version (that is, Red Hat Ceph Storage 1.3), you need to enable backwards compatibility. To do so, first create an environment file (for example, /home/stack/templates/ceph-backwards-compatibility.yaml) containing the following:

  RbdDefaultFeatures: 1

Include this file in your overcloud deployment, described in Section 3.8, “Creating the Overcloud”.

Alternatively, you can also uncomment the following line from /home/stack/templates/puppet-ceph-external.yaml (which you copied earlier in Section 3.5, “Integrating with the Existing Ceph Storage Cluster”):

  # RbdDefaultFeatures: 1

3.7. Assigning Nodes and Flavors to Roles

Planning an overcloud deployment involves specifying how many nodes and which flavors to assign to each role. Like all Heat template parameters, these role specifications are declared in the parameter_defaults section of your environment file (in this case, ~/templates/puppet-ceph.yaml.).

For this purpose, use the following parameters:

Table 3.1. Roles and Flavors for Overcloud Nodes

Heat Template ParameterDescription


The number of Controller nodes to scale out


The flavor to use for Controller nodes (control)


The number of Compute nodes to scale out


The flavor to use for Compute nodes (compute)

For example, to configure the overcloud to deploy three nodes for each role (Controller and Compute), add the following to your parameter_defaults:

  ControllerCount: 3
  ComputeCount: 3
  OvercloudControlFlavor: control
  OvercloudComputeFlavor: compute

See Creating the Overcloud with the CLI Tools from the Director Installation and Usage guide for a more complete list of Heat template parameters.

3.8. Creating the Overcloud

The creation of the Overcloud requires additional arguments for the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e -e /home/stack/templates/puppet-ceph-external.yaml --ntp-server

The above command uses the following options:

  • --templates - Creates the Overcloud from the default Heat template collection (namely, /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/).
  • -e /home/stack/templates/puppet-ceph-external.yaml - Adds an additional environment file to the Overcloud deployment. In this case, it is the storage environment file containing the configuration for the existing Ceph Storage Cluster.
  • --ntp-server - Sets our NTP server.

For a full list of options, run:

$ openstack help overcloud deploy

For more information, see Creating the Overcloud with the CLI Tools in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

The Overcloud creation process begins and the director provisions your nodes. This process takes some time to complete. To view the status of the Overcloud creation, open a separate terminal as the stack user and run:

$ source ~/stackrc
$ heat stack-list --show-nested

This configures the Overcloud to use your external Ceph Storage cluster. Note that you manage this cluster independently from the Overcloud. For example, you scale the Ceph Storage cluster using the Ceph management tools and not through the OpenStack Platform director.

3.9. Accessing the Overcloud

The director generates a script to configure and help authenticate interactions with your Overcloud from the director host. The director saves this file (overcloudrc) in your stack user’s home directory. Run the following command to use this file:

$ source ~/overcloudrc

This loads the necessary environment variables to interact with your Overcloud from the director host’s CLI. To return to interacting with the director’s host, run the following command:

$ source ~/stackrc