Red Hat Training

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19.10. The @DefaultType Annotation

You can set the default data type for a Java type using the @DefaultType type level annotation. This is useful for setting the type for a hierarchy of Java types, as shown below:
public interface OrderService {
        in = "{}createOrder",
        out = "{}createOrderResult",
        fault = "java:com.acme.exceptions.OrderManagementException"
    Element createOrder(Element order) throws OrderCreateFailureException;
In this example, the type for OrderCreateFailureException has been changed to java:com.acme.exceptions.OrderManagementException by defining a fault type on the @OperationTypes. Its type would otherwise default to java:com.acme.exceptions.OrderCreateFailureException. It could also be done by annotating the base OrderManagementException class with the @DefaultType annotation. This would set the default type for the OrderManagementException class and all its sub-classes, including OrderCreateFailureException, which would mean not having to defining a fault type on the @OperationTypes wherever one of these exceptions is used on a Bean Service Operation.