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5.7. XML Document Formatting

The PROP_XML_FORMAT execution property, defined in org.teiid.jdbc.ExecutionProperties, can be set using the SET statement to modify the way that XML documents are formatted from XML document models. The following valid values are also defined:
XML_TREE_FORMAT (defined as Tree) returns a version of the XML formatted for display. The XML will use line breaks and tabs as appropriate to format the XML as a tree. This format is slower due to the formatting time and the larger document size.
XML_COMPACT_FORMAT (defined as Compact) returns a version of the XML formatted for optimal performance. The XML is a single long string without any unnecessary white space.


If the XML_COMPACT_FORMAT execution property is not set, the formatting flag of the XML document in the original model is honored. This may produce either the tree or compact form of the document depending on the document setting.