Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

4.2. JDBC Statement Extensions

The JBoss Data Virtualization statement interface, org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidStatement, provides functionality beyond the JDBC standard. To use this interface, cast or unwrap the statement returned by the connection. The interface provides the following methods for setting and retrieving statement properties:

Table 4.1. Statement Properties

Method Name Description
getAnnotations This method has been deprecated. Use the SHOW statement.
getDebugLog This method has been deprecated. Use the SHOW statement.
getExecutionProperty This method has been deprecated. Use the SHOW statement.
Get the query plan description if the statement was last executed with SHOWPLAN ON|DEBUG. The plan is a tree made up of org.teiid.client.plan.PlanNode objects. Typically PlanNode.toString() or PlanNode.toXml() will be used to convert the plan into a textual form.
Get an identifier for the last command executed on this statement. If no command has been executed yet, null is returned.


This method has been deprecated. Use the SET statement.
Set a per-command payload to pass to translators. Currently the only built-in use is for sending hints for an Oracle data source.