19.2. Installing the JBoss BRMS Plug-in into JBoss ON

Red Hat JBoss BRMS plug-in for JBoss Operations Network can be installed by either copying the plug-in JAR files to the JBoss Operations Network plug-in directory or through the JBoss Operations Network GUI.
The following procedure guides a user to copy the plug-in JAR files to the JBoss Operations Network plug-in directory

Procedure 19.1. Copying the JBoss BRMS plug-in JAR files

  1. Extract the JBoss BRMS plug-in pack archive to a temporary location. This creates a subdirectory with the name jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA. For example:
    [root@server rhq-agent]# unzip jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA.zip -d /tmp
  2. Copy the extracted JBoss BRMS plug-in JAR files from the jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.2.0.GA/ directory to the JBoss ON server plug-in directory. For example:
    [root@server rhq-agent]# cp /tmp/jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA/*.jar /opt/jon/jon-server-3.3.0.GA1/plugins
  3. Start the JBoss Operations Network server to update the JBoss BRMS plug-in.
To upload the JBoss BRMS plug-in through the JBoss Operations Network GUI, following is the procedure

Procedure 19.2. Uploading the JBoss BRMS plug-in through GUI

  1. Start the JBoss Operations Network Server and Log in to access the GUI.
  2. In the top navigation of the GUI, open the Administration menu.
  3. In the Configuration area on the left, select the Server Plugins link.
  4. At the bottom of the list of loaded server plug-ins, click the Upload a plugin button and choose the BRMS plugin.
  5. The JBoss BRMS plug-in for JBoss Operations Network is now uploaded.