Chapter 7. Data Grid ports and protocols

As Data Grid distributes data across your network and can establish connections for external client requests, you should be aware of the ports and protocols that Data Grid uses to handle network traffic.

If run Data Grid as a remote server then you might need to allow remote clients through your firewall. Likewise, you should adjust ports that Data Grid nodes use for cluster communication to prevent conflicts or network issues.

7.1. Data Grid Server ports and protocols

Data Grid Server provides network endpoints that allow client access with different protocols.




Hot Rod and REST



Memcached (disabled by default)

Single port

Data Grid Server exposes multiple protocols through a single TCP port, 11222. Handling multiple protocols with a single port simplifies configuration and reduces management complexity when deploying Data Grid clusters. Using a single port also enhances security by minimizing the attack surface on the network.

Data Grid Server handles HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and Hot Rod protocol requests from clients via the single port in different ways.

HTTP/1.1 upgrade headers

Client requests can include the HTTP/1.1 upgrade header field to initiate HTTP/1.1 connections with Data Grid Server. Client applications can then send the Upgrade: protocol header field, where protocol is a server endpoint.

Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Client requests include Server Name Indication (SNI) mappings for Data Grid Server endpoints to negotiate protocols over a TLS connection.


Applications must use a TLS library that supports the ALPN extension. Data Grid uses WildFly OpenSSL bindings for Java.

Automatic Hot Rod detection

Client requests that include Hot Rod headers automatically route to Hot Rod endpoints.

7.1.1. Configuring network firewalls for Data Grid traffic

Adjust firewall rules to allow traffic between Data Grid Server and client applications.


On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) workstations, for example, you can allow traffic to port 11222 with firewalld as follows:

# firewall-cmd --add-port=11222/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep 11222

To configure firewall rules that apply across a network, you can use the nftables utility.

7.2. TCP and UDP ports for cluster traffic

Data Grid uses the following ports for cluster transport messages:

Default PortProtocolDescription



JGroups cluster bind port



JGroups multicast

Cross-site replication

Data Grid uses the following ports for the JGroups RELAY2 protocol:

For Data Grid clusters running on OpenShift.
If using UDP for traffic between nodes and TCP for traffic between clusters.
If using TCP for traffic between nodes and TCP for traffic between clusters.