8.2. Hardware Security Modules

8.2.1. Detecting Tokens

Once you have installed Certificate System, to see if a token can be detected, use the TokenInfo utility, pointing to the alias directory for the subsystem instance. This is a Certificate System tool which is available after the Certificate System packages are installed.
For example:
# TokenInfo /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/alias
This utility returns all tokens which can be detected by the Certificate System, not only tokens which are installed in the Certificate System.

8.2.2. Viewing Tokens

Once you have installed Certificate System, to view the list of the tokens, use the modutil utility.
  1. Change to the instance alias directory. For example:
    # cd /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/alias
  2. Show the information about the installed PKCS #11 modules installed as well as information on the corresponding tokens using the modutil tool.
    # modutil -dbdir . -nocertdb -list