24.4. Parent Tags

24.4.1. Parent Tags

An API user assigns a parent element to a tag to create a hierarchical link to a parent tag. The tags are presented as a flat collection, which descends from the root tag, with tag representations containing a link element to a parent tag


The root tag is a special pseudo-tag assumed as the default parent tag if no parent tag is specified. The root tag cannot be deleted nor assigned a parent tag.
This tag hierarchy is expressed in the following way:

Example 24.5. Tag Hierarchy

    <tag id="-1" href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/-1">
            <tag id="-1" href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/-1"/>
    <tag id="f436ebfc-67f2-41bd-8ec6-902b6f7dcb5e"
        <description>Resources for the Finance department</description>
            <tag id="-1" href="/ovirt-engine/api/tags/-1"/>
    <tag id="ac18dabf-23e5-12be-a383-a38b165ca7bd"
        <description>Billing Resources</description>
            <tag id="f436ebfc-67f2-41bd-8ec6-902b6f7dcb5e"
In this XML representation, the tags follow this hierarchy:
root              (id: -1)
  - Finance       (id: f436ebfc-67f2-41bd-8ec6-902b6f7dcb5e)
      - Billing   (id: ac18dabf-23e5-12be-a383-a38b165ca7bd)

24.4.2. Setting a Parent Tag

POSTing a new tag with a parent element creates an association with a parent tag, using either the id attribute or the name element to reference the parent tag

Example 24.6. Setting an association with a parent tag with the id attribute

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/5114bb3e-a4e6-44b2-b783-b3eea7d84720/tags HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

    <description>Billing Resources</description>
        <tag id="f436ebfc-67f2-41bd-8ec6-902b6f7dcb5e"/>

Example 24.7. Setting an association with a parent tag with the name element

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/5114bb3e-a4e6-44b2-b783-b3eea7d84720/tags HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

    <description>Billing Resources</description>

24.4.3. Changing a Parent Tag

A tag changes a parent using a PUT request:

Example 24.8. Changing the parent tag

PUT /ovirt-engine/api/tags/ac18dabf-23e5-12be-a383-a38b165ca7bd HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml

        <tag id="f436ebfc-67f2-41bd-8ec6-902b6f7dcb5e"/>