Chapter 3. Top performance considerations

This is a list of things that you can do to improve the performance of your installation of Red Hat Satellite.

  1. Configure httpd
  2. Configure Passenger to increase concurrency
  3. Configure Candlepin
  4. Configure Pulp
  5. Configure Foreman’s performance and scalability
  6. Configure Puppet for scalability
  7. Deploy external Capsule(s) in lieu of the integrated Capsule
  8. Configure katello-agent for scalability
  9. Configure Hammer to reduce API timeouts
  10. Configure qpidd and qdrouterd
  11. Improve PostgreSQL tuning to increase concurrent registrations of hosts
  12. Configure the storage for DB workloads
  13. Consider storage needs and network compatibility with MongoDB
  14. Ensure the storage requirements for Content Views are met
  15. Ensure the system requirements are met
  16. Improve the environment for remote execution