Red Hat Training

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38.4. Method: deleteSnapshots


Deletes all snapshots for a given system based on the date criteria. For example,

  • If the user provides startDate only, all snapshots created either on or after the date provided are removed
  • If user provides startDate and endDate, all snapshots created on or between the dates provided are removed
  • If the user doesn't provide a startDate and endDate, all snapshots associated with the server are removed

The following parameters are available for this method:

  • string sessionKey
  • int sid - system ID of system to delete snapshots
  • struct - date details
    • dateTime.iso8601 startDate (optional, unless endDate is provided)
    • dateTime.iso8601 endDate (optional)

The following return values are available for this method:

  • int - 1 on success, exception thrown otherwise
Available since: 10.1