Chapter 6. Installing and running the headless Process Automation Manager controller with Oracle WebLogic Server

To use the Process Server REST API or Java Client API to interact with Process Server, install the headless Process Automation Manager controller with Oracle WebLogic Server. The headless Process Automation Manager controller manages Process Server configuration in a centralized way so that you can use the headless Process Automation Manager controller to create and maintain containers and perform other server-level tasks.



  1. Navigate to the Software Downloads page in the Red Hat Customer Portal (login required), and select the product and version from the drop-down options:

    • Product: Process Automation Manager
    • Version: 7.3
  2. Download Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.3.0 Add-Ons.
  3. Extract the downloaded file to a temporary directory.
  4. In the WebLogic Administration Console, navigate to Security RealmsUsers and Groups.
  5. In the kie-server group that you created previously, create a user for the headless Process Automation Manager controller, such as controller, and a password for this new user and click OK. For more information about creating groups and users, see Section 4.1, “Configuring the Process Server group and users”.
  6. Navigate to Deployments to view all existing applications.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded and extracted the file, and go to rhpam-7.3.0-add-ons/
  9. Select the controller.war file and click Next to continue.
  10. Select Install this deployment as an application as the targeting style and click Next.
  11. Keep the application name as controller and set the security model to DD Only. Leave the remaining options as default and click Next to continue.
  12. In the Additional Configuration section, choose No, I will review the configuration later and click Finish.

6.1. Setting system properties for the headless Process Automation Manager controller

After you install the headless Process Automation Manager controller, set the system properties listed in this section on your application server or servers to enable proper interaction with the headless Process Automation Manager controller.


For optimal results, install Process Server and the headless Process Automation Manager controller on different servers in production environments. In development environments, you can install Process Server and the headless Process Automation Manager controller on the same server. In either case, be sure to make these property changes on all application servers where the headless Process Automation Manager controller is installed.


Process Server and the headless Process Automation Manager controller are installed on the application server instance.


  1. Specify the following JVM property values on the application server instance where the headless Process Automation Manager controller is installed:

    Table 6.1. Required properties for the headless Process Automation Manager controller



    A user with the kie-server role


    The password for the user specified in the org.kie.server.user property

  2. Specify the following JVM property values on the application server instance where Process Server is installed:

    Table 6.2. Required properties for Process Server when headless Process Automation Manager controller is installed



    A user with the kie-server role


    The password for the user specified for the org.kie.server.controller.user property

    The ID or name of the Process Server installation, such as rhdm700-decision-server-1


    The URL of the Process Server, http://<HOST>:<PORT>/kie-server/services/rest/server


    The URL of the headless Process Automation Manager controller, http://<HOST>:<PORT>/controller/rest/controller

    <HOST> is the ID or name of the Process Server host, for example, localhost or

    <PORT> is the port of the Process Server host, for example, 7001.

6.2. Verifying the installation

After you install the headless Process Automation Manager controller and define the required system properties and role requirements on the application server, verify that the headless Process Automation Manager controller works correctly.


  • Process Server and the headless Process Automation Manager controller are installed on the application server instance.
  • You have set all required system properties and role requirements for the headless Process Automation Manager controller on the application server.


In your command terminal, enter the following command to verify that the headless Process Automation Manager controller is working:

curl -X GET "http://<HOST>:<PORT>/controller/rest/controller/management/servers" -H  "accept: application/xml" -u '<CONTROLLER>:<CONTROLLER_PWD>'

<HOST> is the ID or name of the Process Server host, for example, localhost or

<PORT> is the port of the Process Server host, for example, 7001.

<CONTROLLER> and <CONTROLLER_PWD> are the user credentials that you created in this section.

The command should return information about the Process Server instance.


Alternatively, you can use the Process Server Java API Client to access the headless Process Automation Manager controller.

If the headless Process Automation Manager controller is not running, stop and restart the application server instance and try again to access the headless Process Automation Manager controller URL or API.