Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Chapter 2. Packstack command-line client

The packstack client is the command-line interface (CLI) for installing single node, proof-of-concept deployments. This chapter documents packstack version 2015.1.dev1537.gba5183c.
For help on a specific packstack command, enter:
$ packstack help COMMAND

2.1. packstack usage

Usage: packstack [options] [--help]

2.2. packstack optional arguments

show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Generate a template of an answer file.
Runs the configuration in non-interactive mode, extracting all information from theconfiguration file. using this option excludes all other options
Install on a set of hosts in a single step. The format should be a comma separated list of hosts, the first is setup as a controller, and the others are setup as compute nodes.if only a single host is supplied then it is setup as an all in one installation. An answerfile will also be generated and should be used if Packstack needs to be run a second time
Shorthand for --install-hosts=<local ipaddr> --novanetwork-pubif=<dev> --novacompute-privif=lo --novanetwork-privif=lo --os-swift-install=y, this option can be used to install an all in one OpenStack on this host
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
The timeout for puppet Exec calls
-o, --options
Print details on options available in answer file(rst format)
-d, --debug
Enable debug in logging
-y, --dry-run
Don't execute, just generate manifests

2.3. packstack Global Options

Path to a public key to install on servers. If a usable key has not been installed on the remote servers, the user is prompted for a password and this key is installed so the password will not be required again.
Default password to be used everywhere (overridden by passwords set for individual services or users).
Specify 'y' to install MariaDB. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Image Service (glance). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Block Storage (cinder). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Shared File System (manila). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Compute (nova). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Networking (neutron); otherwise, Compute Networking (nova) will be used. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Dashboard (horizon). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Object Storage (swift). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Metering (ceilometer). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Orchestration (heat). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Data Processing (sahara). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Database (trove) ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Bare Metal Provisioning (ironic). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install the OpenStack Client packages (command-line tools). An admin "rc" file will also be installed. ['y', 'n']
Comma-separated list of NTP servers. Leave plain if Packstack should not install ntpd on instances.
Comma-separated list of servers to be excluded from the installation. This is helpful if you are running Packstack a second time with the same answer file and do not want Packstack to overwrite these server's configurations. Leave empty if you do not need to exclude any servers.
Specify 'y' if you want to run OpenStack services in debug mode; otherwise, specify 'n'. ['y', 'n']
IP address of the server on which to install OpenStack services specific to the controller role (for example, API servers or dashboard).
List of IP addresses of the servers on which to install the Compute service.
List of IP addresses of the server on which to install the network service such as Compute networking (nova network) or OpenStack Networking (neutron).
Specify 'y' if you want to use VMware vCenter as hypervisor and storage; otherwise, specify 'n'. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' if you want to use unsupported parameters. This should be used only if you know what you are doing. Issues caused by using unsupported options will not be fixed before the next major release. ['y', 'n']

2.4. packstack vCenter Config Parameters

IP address of the VMware vCenter server.
User name for VMware vCenter server authentication.
Password for VMware vCenter server authentication.
Name of the VMware vCenter cluster.

2.5. packstack Server Prepare Configs

Specify 'y' to enable the EPEL repository (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). ['y', 'n']
Comma-separated list of URLs for any additional yum repositories, to use for installation.

2.6. packstack RHEL config

To subscribe each server with Red Hat Subscription Manager, include this with CONFIG_RH_PW.
To subscribe each server to receive updates from a Satellite server, provide the URL of the Satellite server. You must also provide a user name (CONFIG_SATELLITE_USERNAME) and password (CONFIG_SATELLITE_PASSWORD) or an access key (CONFIG_SATELLITE_AKEY) for authentication.

2.7. packstack RHN Satellite config

User name to authenticate with the RHN Satellite server; if you intend to use an access key for Satellite authentication, leave this blank.
Password to authenticate with the RHN Satellite server; if you intend to use an access key for Satellite authentication, leave this blank.
Access key for the Satellite server; if you intend to use a user name and password for Satellite authentication, leave this blank.
Certificate path or URL of the certificate authority to verify that the connection with the Satellite server is secure. If you are not using Satellite in your deployment, leave this blank.
Profile name that should be used as an identifier for the system in RHN Satellite (if required).
Comma-separated list of flags passed to the rhnreg_ks command. Valid flags are: novirtinfo, norhnsd, nopackages ['novirtinfo', 'norhnsd', 'nopackages']
HTTP proxy to use when connecting to the RHN Satellite server (if required).

2.8. packstack RHN Satellite proxy config

User name to authenticate with the Satellite-server HTTP proxy.
User password to authenticate with the Satellite- server HTTP proxy.

2.9. packstack AMQP Config parameters

Service to be used as the AMQP broker. Allowed values are: qpid, rabbitmq ['qpid', 'rabbitmq']
IP address of the server on which to install the AMQP service.
Specify 'y' to enable SSL for the AMQP service. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to enable authentication for the AMQP service. ['y', 'n']

2.10. packstack AMQP Config SSL parameters

Password for the NSS certificate database of the AMQP service.
Port on which the AMQP service listens for SSL connections.
File name of the CAcertificate that the AMQP service will use for verification.
File name of the certificate that the AMQP service will use for verification.
File name of the private key that the AMQP service will use for verification.
Specify 'y' to automatically generate a self-signed SSL certificate and key. ['y', 'n']

2.11. packstack AMQP Config Athentication parameters

User for AMQP authentication.
Password for AMQP authentication.

2.12. packstack Keystone Config parameters

Password to use for the Identity service (keystone) to access the database.
Default region name to use when creating tenants in the Identity service.
Email address for the Identity service 'admin' user. Defaults to
User name for the Identity service 'admin' user. Defaults to 'admin'.
Password to use for the Identity service 'admin' user.
Password to use for the Identity service 'demo' user.
Name of service to use to run the Identity service (keystone or httpd). ['keystone', 'httpd']
Type of Identity service backend (sql or ldap). ['sql', 'ldap']

2.13. packstack Glance Config parameters

Password to use for the Image service (glance) to access the database.
Password to use for the Image service to authenticate with the Identity service.
Storage backend for the Image service (controls how the Image service stores disk images). Valid options are: file or swift (Object Storage). The Object Storage service must be enabled to use it as a working backend; otherwise, Packstack falls back to 'file'. ['file', 'swift']

2.14. packstack Cinder Config parameters

Password to use for the Block Storage service (cinder) to access the database.
Password to use for the Block Storage service to authenticate with the Identity service.
Storage backend to use for the Block Storage service; valid options are: lvm, gluster, nfs, vmdk, netapp. ['lvm', 'gluster', 'nfs', 'vmdk', 'netapp']

2.15. packstack Cinder volume create Config parameters

Specify 'y' to create the Block Storage volumes group. That is, Packstack creates a raw disk image in /var/lib/cinder, and mounts it using a loopback device. This should only be used for testing on a proof-of-concept installation of the Block Storage service (a file-backed volume group is not suitable for production usage). ['y', 'n']

2.16. packstack Cinder volume size Config parameters

Size of Block Storage volumes group. Actual volume size will be extended with 3% more space for VG metadata. Remember that the size of the volume group will restrict the amount of disk space that you can expose to Compute instances, and that the specified amount must be available on the device used for /var/lib/cinder.

2.17. packstack Cinder gluster Config parameters

A single or comma-separated list of Red Hat Storage (gluster) volume shares to mount. Example: 'ip-address :/vol-name', 'domain:/vol-name'

2.18. packstack Cinder NFS Config parameters

A single or comma-separated list of NFS exports to mount. Example: 'ip-address:/export-name'

2.19. packstack Nova Options

Password to use for the Compute service (nova) to access the database.
Password to use for the Compute service to authenticate with the Identity service.
Overcommitment ratio for virtual to physical CPUs. Specify 1.0 to disable CPU overcommitment.
Overcommitment ratio for virtual to physical RAM. Specify 1.0 to disable RAM overcommitment.
Protocol used for instance migration. Valid options are: tcp and ssh. Note that by default, the Compute user is created with the /sbin/nologin shell so that the SSH protocol will not work. To make the SSH protocol work, you must configure the Compute user on compute hosts manually. ['tcp', 'ssh']
Manager that runs the Compute service.

2.20. packstack Nova Network Options

Private interface for flat DHCP on the Compute servers.
Compute Network Manager. ['^nova\.network\.manager\.\w+Manager$']
Public interface on the Compute network server.
Private interface for flat DHCP on the Compute network server.
IP Range for flat DHCP. ['^[\:\.\da- fA-f]+(\/\d+){0,1}$']
IP Range for floating IP addresses. ['^[\:\.\da- fA-f]+(\/\d+){0,1}$']
Specify 'y' to automatically assign a floating IP to new instances. ['y', 'n']

2.21. packstack Nova Network VLAN Options

First VLAN for private networks (Compute networking).
Number of networks to support (Compute networking).
Number of addresses in each private subnet (Compute networking).

2.22. packstack Neutron config

Password to use for OpenStack Networking (neutron) to authenticate with the Identity service.
The password to use for OpenStack Networking to access the database.
The name of the Open vSwitch bridge (or empty for linuxbridge) for the OpenStack Networking L3 agent to use for external traffic. Specify 'provider' if you intend to use a provider network to handle external traffic.
Password for the OpenStack Networking metadata agent.
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Networking's Load- Balancing-as-a-Service (LBaaS). ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install OpenStack Networking's L3 Metering agent ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to configure OpenStack Networking's Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS). ['y', 'n']

2.23. packstack Neutron LB agent config

Comma-separated list of interface mappings for the OpenStack Networking linuxbridge plugin. Each tuple in the list must be in the format <physical_network>:<net_interface>. Example: physnet1:eth1,physnet2:eth2,physnet3:eth3.

2.24. packstack Neutron OVS agent config

Comma-separated list of bridge mappings for the OpenStack Networking Open vSwitch plugin. Each tuple in the list must be in the format <physical_network>:<ovs_bridge>. Example: physnet1:br- eth1,physnet2:br-eth2,physnet3:br-eth3
Comma-separated list of colon-separated Open vSwitch <bridge>:<interface> pairs. The interface will be added to the associated bridge.

2.25. packstack Neutron OVS agent config for tunnels

Interface for the Open vSwitch tunnel. Packstack overrides the IP address used for tunnels on this hypervisor to the IP found on the specified interface (for example, eth1).

2.26. packstack Neutron OVS agent config for VXLAN


2.27. packstack NOVACLIENT Config parameters

2.28. packstack OpenStack Horizon Config parameters

Specify 'y' to set up Horizon communication over https. ['y', 'n']

2.29. packstack SSL Config parameters

PEM-encoded certificate to be used for SSL connections on the https server (the certificate should not require a passphrase). To generate a certificate, leave blank.
SSL keyfile corresponding to the certificate if one was specified.
PEM-encoded CA certificates from which the certificate chain of the server certificate can be assembled.

2.30. packstack OpenStack Swift Config parameters

Password to use for the Object Storage service to authenticate with the Identity service.
Comma-separated list of devices to use as storage device for Object Storage. Each entry must take the format /path/to/dev (for example, specifying /dev/vdb installs /dev/vdb as the Object Storage storage device; Packstack does not create the filesystem, you must do this first). If left empty, Packstack creates a loopback device for test setup.
Number of Object Storage storage zones; this number MUST be no larger than the number of configured storage devices.
Number of Object Storage storage replicas; this number MUST be no larger than the number of configured storage zones.
File system type for storage nodes. ['xfs', 'ext4']
Size of the Object Storage loopback file storage device.

2.31. packstack Heat Config parameters

Password used by Orchestration service user to authenticate against the database.
Password to use for the Orchestration service to authenticate with the Identity service.
Specify 'y' to install the Orchestration CloudWatch API. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to install the Orchestration CloudFormation API. ['y', 'n']
Name of the Identity domain for Orchestration.
Name of the Identity domain administrative user for Orchestration.
Password for the Identity domain administrative user for Orchestration.

2.32. packstack Provisioning demo config

Specify 'y' to provision for demo usage and testing. ['y', 'n']
Specify 'y' to configure the OpenStack Integration Test Suite (tempest) for testing. The test suite requires OpenStack Networking to be installed. ['y', 'n']

2.33. packstack Provisioning demo config

CIDR network address for the floating IP subnet.
The name to be assigned to the demo image in Glance (default "cirros").
A URL or local file location for an image to download and provision in Glance (defaults to a URL for a recent "cirros" image).
Format for the demo image (default "qcow2").
User to use when connecting to instances booted from the demo image.

2.34. packstack Ceilometer Config parameters

Password to use for Telemetry to authenticate with the Identity service.

2.35. packstack MONGODB Config parameters

IP address of the server on which to install MongoDB.

2.36. packstack POSTSCRIPT Config parameters

2.37. packstack Puppet Config parameters