

fab:uninstall — uninstall the specified FAB and all of its transitive dependencies, except for those dependencies that are being used by other bundles


fab:uninstall [ --help ] { bundleID }


Depending on how a FAB is configured, it can be associated with multiple dependent bundles.
When a FAB is initially installed in the container, the transitive dependencies of the FAB are determined by scanning the embedded POM file, META-INF/maven/GroupID/ArtifactID/pom.xml. Any transitive dependencies that are shared (for example, by being marked as provided or because the dependency is already packaged as an OSGi bundle), are deployed as separate OSGi bundles in the container.
When you uninstall the FAB using fab:uninstall, the runtime attempts to uninstall all of the corresponding OSGi bundles, except for any bundles that are still being used by other applications in the container.


Table 7.6, “fab:uninstall Arguments” describes the commands arguments.

Table 7.6. fab:uninstall Arguments

--helpDisplays the online help for this command
bundleIDThe bundle ID of the FAB.