4.2. Agenda groups for rules

An agenda group is a set of rules bound together by the same agenda-group rule attribute. Agenda groups partition rules on the decision engine agenda. At any one time, only one group has a focus that gives that group of rules priority for execution before rules in other agenda groups. You determine the focus with a setFocus() call for the agenda group. You can also define rules with an auto-focus attribute so that the next time the rule is activated, the focus is automatically given to the entire agenda group to which the rule is assigned.

Each time the setFocus() call is made in a Java application, the decision engine adds the specified agenda group to the top of the rule stack. The default agenda group "MAIN" contains all rules that do not belong to a specified agenda group and is executed first in the stack unless another group has the focus.

For example, the following sample DRL rules belong to specified agenda groups and are listed in the decision engine stack in the order shown:

Sample DRL rules for banking application

rule "Increase balance for credits"
  agenda-group "calculation"
  ap : AccountPeriod()
  acc : Account( $accountNo : accountNo )
  CashFlow( type == CREDIT,
            accountNo == $accountNo,
            date >= ap.start && <= ap.end,
            $amount : amount )
  acc.balance  += $amount;

rule "Print balance for AccountPeriod"
  agenda-group "report"
  ap : AccountPeriod()
  acc : Account()
  System.out.println( acc.accountNo +
                      " : " + acc.balance );

For this example, the rules in the "report" agenda group must always be executed first and the rules in the "calculation" agenda group must always be executed second. Any remaining rules in other agenda groups can then be executed. Therefore, the "report" and "calculation" groups must receive the focus to be executed in that order, before other rules can be executed:

Set the focus for the order of agenda group execution

Agenda agenda = ksession.getAgenda();
agenda.getAgendaGroup( "report" ).setFocus();
agenda.getAgendaGroup( "calculation" ).setFocus();

You can also use the clear() method to cancel all the activations generated by the rules belonging to a given agenda group before each has had a chance to be executed:

Cancel all other rule activations

ksession.getAgenda().getAgendaGroup( "Group A" ).clear();