4.2. Mapping Properties Multiple Times

Properties may need to be mapped multiple times per index, using different indexing strategies. For example, sorting a query by field requires that the field is not analyzed. To search by words in this property and also sort it, the property will need to be indexed it twice - once analyzed and once un-analyzed. @Fields can be used to perform this search. For example:

Example 4.3. Using @Fields to map a property multiple times

@Indexed(index = "Book")
public class Book {
    @Fields( {
        @Field(name = "summary_forSort", analyze = Analyze.NO, store = Store.YES)
    public String getSummary() {
        return summary;
In the example above, the field summary is indexed twice - once as summary in a tokenized way, and once as summary_forSort in an untokenized way. @Field supports 2 attributes useful when @Fields is used:
  • analyzer: defines a @Analyzer annotation per field rather than per property
  • bridge: defines a @FieldBridge annotation per field rather than per property