22.6.3. Manually Adding JBoss Data Grid Instances in Library Mode

To add JBoss Data Grid instances to JBoss Operations Network manually, use the following procedure in the JBoss Operations Network interface.
  1. Select Resources > Platforms > localhost > Inventory.
  2. At the bottom of the page, open the drop-down menu next to the Manually Add section.
  3. Select Infinispan Cache Manager and click Ok.
  4. Select the default template on the next page.
  5. Manually add the JBoss Data Grid instance

    1. Enter both the JMX connector address of the new JBoss Data Grid instance you want to monitor, and the Cache Manager Mbean object name. For example:
      Connector Address:
    2. Object Name:


The object name remains the same, however the connector address varies depending on the host and the JMX port assigned to the new instance. In this case, instances require the following system properties at start up:
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7997 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false 