OpenShift AI tutorial - Fraud detection example

Red Hat OpenShift AI Cloud Service 1

Use OpenShift AI to train an example model in a Jupyter notebook, deploy the model, and refine the model by using automated pipelines


Step-by-step guidance for using OpenShift AI to train an example model in a Jupyter notebook, deploy the model, and refine the model by using automated pipelines.

Chapter 1. Introduction


In this tutorial, you learn how to incorporate data science and artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) into an OpenShift development workflow.

You will use an example fraud detection model to complete the following tasks:

  • Explore a pre-trained fraud detection model by using a Jupyter notebook.
  • Deploy the model by using OpenShift AI model serving.
  • Refine and train the model by using automated pipelines.

And you do not have to install anything on your own computer, thanks to Red Hat OpenShift AI.

1.1. About the example fraud detection model

The example fraud detection model monitors credit card transactions for potential fraudulent activity. It analyzes the following credit card transaction details:

  • The geographical distance from the previous credit card transaction.
  • The price of the current transaction, compared to the median price of all the user’s transactions.
  • Whether the user completed the transaction by using the hardware chip in the credit card, entered a PIN number, or for an online purchase.

Based on this data, the model outputs the likelihood of the transaction being fraudulent.

1.2. Before you begin

If you don’t already have an instance of Red Hat OpenShift AI, see the Red Hat OpenShift AI page on the Red Hat Developer website for information on setting up your environment. There, you can create an account and access the free OpenShift AI Sandbox or you can learn how to install OpenShift AI on your own OpenShift cluster.


If your cluster uses self-signed certificates, before you begin the tutorial, your OpenShift AI administrator must add self-signed certificates for OpenShift AI as described in Working with certificates.

If you’re ready, start the tutorial!

Chapter 2. Setting up a project and storage

2.2. Setting up your data science project

Before you begin, make sure that you are logged in to Red Hat OpenShift AI and that you can see the dashboard:

Dashboard Enabled

Note that you can start a Jupyter notebook from here, but it would be a one-off notebook run in isolation. To implement a data science workflow, you must create a data science project. Projects allow you and your team to organize and collaborate on resources within separated namespaces. From a project you can create multiple workbenches, each with their own Jupyter notebook environment, and each with their own data connections and cluster storage. In addition, the workbenches can share models and data with pipelines and model servers.


  1. On the navigation menu, select Data Science Projects. This page lists any existing projects that you have access to. From this page, you can select an existing project (if any) or create a new one.

    Data Science Projects List

    If you already have an active project that you want to use, select it now and skip ahead to the next section, Storing data with data connections. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  2. Click Create data science project.
  3. Enter a display name and description. Based on the display name, a resource name is automatically generated, but you can change it if you prefer.

    New data science project form


You can now see its initial state. Individual tabs provide more information about the project components and project access permissions:

New data science project
  • Workbenches are instances of your development and experimentation environment. They typically contain IDEs, such as JupyterLab, RStudio, and Visual Studio Code.
  • Pipelines contain the data science pipelines that are executed within the project.
  • Models allow you to quickly serve a trained model for real-time inference. You can have multiple model servers per data science project. One model server can host multiple models.
  • Cluster storage is a persistent volume that retains the files and data you’re working on within a workbench. A workbench has access to one or more cluster storage instances.
  • Data connections contain configuration parameters that are required to connect to a data source, such as an S3 object bucket.
  • Permissions define which users and groups can access the project.

2.3. Storing data with data connections

For this tutorial, you need two S3-compatible object storage buckets, such as Ceph, Minio, or AWS S3:

  • My Storage - Use this bucket for storing your models and data. You can reuse this bucket and its connection for your notebooks and model servers.
  • Pipelines Artifacts - Use this bucket as storage for your pipeline artifacts. A pipeline artifacts bucket is required when you create a pipeline server. For this tutorial, create this bucket to separate it from the first storage bucket for clarity.

You can use your own storage buckets or run a provided script that creates local Minio storage buckets for you.

Also, you must create a data connection to each storage bucket. A data connection is a resource that contains the configuration parameters needed to connect to an object storage bucket.

You have two options for this tutorial, depending on whether you want to use your own storage buckets or use a script to create local Minio storage buckets:

2.3.1. Creating data connections to your own S3-compatible object storage


If you do not have your own s3-compatible storage, or if you want to use a disposable local Minio instance instead, skip this section and follow the steps in Running a script to install local object storage buckets and create data connections.


To create data connections to your existing S3-compatible storage buckets, you need the following credential information for the storage buckets:

  • Endpoint URL
  • Access key
  • Secret key
  • Region
  • Bucket name

If you don’t have this information, contact your storage administrator.


Create data connections to your two storage buckets.

Create a data connection for saving your data and models

  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to the page for your data science project.
  2. Click the Data connections tab, and then click Add data connection.

    Add data connection
  3. Fill out the Add data connection form and name your connection My Storage. This connection is for saving your personal work, including data and models.

    Add my storage form
  4. Click Add data connection.

Create a data connection for saving pipeline artifacts


If you do not intend to complete the pipelines section of the tutorial, you can skip this step.

  1. Click Add data connection.
  2. Fill out the form and name your connection Pipeline Artifacts.

    Add pipeline artifacts form
  3. Click Add data connection.


In the Data connections tab for the project, check to see that your data connections are listed.

List of project data connections

Next steps

2.3.2. Running a script to install local object storage buckets and create data connections

For convenience, run a script (provided in the following procedure) that automatically completes these tasks:

  • Creates a Minio instance in your project.
  • Creates two storage buckets in that Minio instance.
  • Generates a random user id and password for your Minio instance.
  • Creates two data connections in your project, one for each bucket and both using the same credentials.
  • Installs required network policies for service mesh functionality.

The script is based on a guide for deploying Minio.


The Minio-based Object Storage that the script creates is not meant for production usage.


If you want to connect to your own storage, see Creating data connections to your own S3-compatible object storage.


You must know the OpenShift resource name for your data science project so that you run the provided script in the correct project. To get the project’s resource name:

In the OpenShift AI dashboard, select Data Science Projects and then click the ? icon next to the project name. A text box appears with information about the project, including its resource name:

Project list resource name

The following procedure describes how to run the script from the OpenShift console. If you are knowledgeable in OpenShift and can access the cluster from the command line, instead of following the steps in this procedure, you can use the following command to run the script:

oc apply -n <your-project-name/> -f


  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, click the application launcher icon and then select the OpenShift Console option.

    OpenShift Console Link
  2. In the OpenShift console, click + in the top navigation bar.

    Add resources Icon
  3. Select your project from the list of projects.

    Select a project
  4. Verify that you selected the correct project.

    Selected project
  5. Copy the following code and paste it into the Import YAML editor.

    Note: This code gets and applies the setup-s3-no-sa.yaml file.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: demo-setup
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: demo-setup-edit
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: edit
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: demo-setup
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: create-s3-storage
      selector: {}
            - args:
                - -ec
                - |-
                  echo -n 'Setting up Minio instance and data connections'
                  oc apply -f
                - /bin/bash
              image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/tools:latest
              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              name: create-s3-storage
          restartPolicy: Never
          serviceAccount: demo-setup
          serviceAccountName: demo-setup
  6. Click Create.


You should see a "Resources successfully created" message and the following resources listed:

  • demo-setup
  • demo-setup-edit
  • create s3-storage

Next steps

2.4. Enabling data science pipelines


If you do not intend to complete the pipelines section of the workshop you can skip this step and move on to the next section, Create a Workbench.

In this section, you prepare your tutorial environment so that you can use data science pipelines.

In this tutorial, you implement an example pipeline by using the JupyterLab Elyra extension. With Elyra, you can create a visual end-to-end pipeline workflow that can be executed in OpenShift AI.



  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, click Data Science Projects and then select Fraud Detection.
  2. Click the Pipelines tab.
  3. Click Configure pipeline server.

    Create pipeline server button
  4. In the Configure pipeline server form, in the Access key field next to the key icon, click the dropdown menu and then click Pipeline Artifacts to populate the Configure pipeline server form with credentials for the data connection.

    Selecting the Pipeline Artifacts data connection
  5. Leave the database configuration as the default.
  6. Click Configure pipeline server.
  7. Wait until the spinner disappears and No pipelines yet is displayed.

You must wait until the pipeline configuration is complete before you continue and create your workbench. If you create your workbench before the pipeline server is ready, your workbench will not be able to submit pipelines to it.


  1. Navigate to the Pipelines tab for the project.
  2. Next to Import pipeline, click the action menu (⋮) and then select View pipeline server configuration.

    View pipeline server configuration menu

    An information box opens and displays the object storage connection information for the pipeline server.


If you have waited more than 5 minutes, and the pipeline server configuration does not complete, you can try to delete the pipeline server and create it again.

Delete pipeline server

You can also ask your OpenShift AI administrator to verify that self-signed certificates are added to your cluster as described in Working with certificates.

Chapter 3. Creating a workbench and a notebook

3.1. Creating a workbench and selecting a notebook image

A workbench is an instance of your development and experimentation environment. Within a workbench you can select a notebook image for your data science work.



  1. Navigate to the project detail page for the data science project that you created in Setting up your data science project.
  2. Click the Workbenches tab, and then click the Create workbench button.

    Create workbench button
  3. Fill out the name and description.

    Workbench name and description

    Red Hat provides several supported notebook images. In the Notebook image section, you can choose one of these images or any custom images that an administrator has set up for you. The Tensorflow image has the libraries needed for this tutorial.

  4. Select the latest Tensorflow image.

    Workbench image
  5. Choose a small deployment.

    Workbench size
  6. Leave the default environment variables and storage options.

    Workbench storage
  7. Under Data connections, select Use existing data connection and select My Storage (the object storage that you configured previously) from the list.

    Data connection
  8. Click the Create workbench button.

    Create workbench button


In the Workbenches tab for the project, the status of the workbench changes from Starting to Running.

Workbench list

If you made a mistake, you can edit the workbench to make changes.

Workbench list edit

3.2. Importing the tutorial files into the Jupyter environment

The Jupyter environment is a web-based environment, but everything you do inside it happens on Red Hat OpenShift AI and is powered by the OpenShift cluster. This means that, without having to install and maintain anything on your own computer, and without disposing of valuable local resources such as CPU, GPU and RAM, you can conduct your data science work in this powerful and stable managed environment.


You created a workbench, as described in Creating a workbench and selecting a Notebook image.


  1. Click the Open link next to your workbench. If prompted, log in and allow the Notebook to authorize your user.

    Open workbench

    Your Jupyter environment window opens.

    This file-browser window shows the files and folders that are saved inside your own personal space in OpenShift AI.

  2. Bring the content of this tutorial inside your Jupyter environment:

    1. On the toolbar, click the Git Clone icon:

      Git Clone icon
    2. Enter the following tutorial Git https URL:
      Git Modal
    3. Check the Include submodules option.
    4. Click Clone.


Double-click the newly-created folder, fraud-detection:

Jupyter file browser

In the file browser, you should see the notebooks that you cloned from Git.

Jupyter file browser - fraud-detection


Training a model

3.3. Running code in a notebook


If you’re already at ease with Jupyter, you can skip to the next section.

A notebook is an environment where you have cells that can display formatted text or code.

This is an empty cell:

Jupyter Cell

This is a cell with some code:

Jupyter Cell Code

Code cells contain Python code that you can run interactively. You can modify the code and then run it. The code does not run on your computer or in the browser, but directly in the environment that you are connected to, Red Hat OpenShift AI in our case.

You can run a code cell from the notebook interface or from the keyboard:

  • From the user interface: Select the cell (by clicking inside the cell or to the left side of the cell) and then click Run from the toolbar.

    Jupyter Run
  • From the keyboard: Press CTRL + ENTER to run a cell or press SHIFT + ENTER to run the cell and automatically select the next one.

After you run a cell, you can see the result of its code as well as information about when the cell was run, as shown in this example:

Jupyter run cell

When you save a notebook, the code and the results are saved. You can reopen the notebook to look at the results without having to run the program again, while still having access to the code.

Notebooks are so named because they are like a physical notebook: you can take notes about your experiments (which you will do), along with the code itself, including any parameters that you set. You can see the output of the experiment inline (this is the result from a cell after it’s run), along with all the notes that you want to take (to do that, from the menu switch the cell type from Code to Markdown).

3.3.1. Try it

Now that you know the basics, give it a try!



  1. In your Jupyter environment, locate the 0_sandbox.ipynb file and double-click it to launch the notebook. The notebook opens in a new tab in the content section of the environment.

    Notebook 0
  2. Experiment by, for example, running the existing cells, adding more cells and creating functions.

    You can do what you want - it’s your environment and there is no risk of breaking anything or impacting other users. This environment isolation is also a great advantage brought by OpenShift AI.

  3. Optionally, create a new notebook in which the code cells are run by using a Python 3 kernel:

    1. Create a new notebook by either selecting File →New →Notebook or by clicking the Python 3 tile in the Notebook section of the launcher window:

      alt text

You can use different kernels, with different languages or versions, to run in your notebook.

Additional resource

To learn more about notebooks, go to the Jupyter site.

Next step

Training a model

3.4. Training a model

Now that you know how the Jupyter notebook environment works, the real work can begin!

In your notebook environment, open the 1_experiment_train.ipynb file and follow the instructions directly in the notebook. The instructions guide you through some simple data exploration, experimentation, and model training tasks.

Jupyter Notebook 1

Chapter 4. Deploying and testing a model

4.1. Preparing a model for deployment

After you train a model, you can deploy it by using the OpenShift AI model serving capabilities.

To prepare a model for deployment, you must move the model from your workbench to your S3-compatible object storage. You use the data connection that you created in the Storing data with data connections section and upload the model from a notebook. You also convert the model to the portable ONNX format. ONNX allows you to transfer models between frameworks with minimal preparation and without the need for rewriting the models.


  • You created the data connection My Storage.

    Workbench data connection form
  • You added the My Storage data connection to your workbench.

    Data storage in workbench


  1. In your Jupyter environment, open the 2_save_model.ipynb file.
  2. Follow the instructions in the notebook to make the model accessible in storage and save it in the portable ONNX format.


When you have completed the notebook instructions, the models/fraud/1/model.onnx file is in your object storage and it is ready for your model server to use.

4.2. Deploying a model

Now that the model is accessible in storage and saved in the portable ONNX format, you can use an OpenShift AI model server to deploy it as an API.

OpenShift AI offers two options for model serving:

  • Single-model serving - Each model in the project is deployed on its own model server. This platform is suitable for large models or models that need dedicated resources.
  • Multi-model serving - All models in the project are deployed on the same model server. This platform is suitable for sharing resources amongst deployed models.

Note: For each project, you can specify only one model serving platform. If you want to change to the other model serving platform, you must create a new project.

For this tutorial, since you are only deploying only one model, you can select either serving type. The steps for deploying the fraud detection model depend on the type of model serving platform you select:

4.2.1. Deploying a model on a single-model server

OpenShift AI single-model servers host only one model. You create a new model server and deploy your model to it.


  • A user with admin privileges has enabled the single-model serving platform on your OpenShift cluster.


  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to the project details page and click the Models tab.

  2. In the Single-model serving platform tile, click Deploy model.
  3. In the form, provide the following values:

    1. For Model Name, type fraud.
    2. For Serving runtime, select OpenVINO Model Server.
    3. For Model framework, select onnx-1.
    4. For Existing data connection, select My Storage.
    5. Type the path that leads to the version folder that contains your model file: models/fraud
    6. Leave the other fields with the default settings.

      Deploy model from for single-model serving
  4. Click Deploy.


Wait for the model to deploy and for the Status to show a green checkmark.

Deployed model status

4.2.2. Deploying a model on a multi-model server

OpenShift AI multi-model servers can host several models at once. You create a new model server and deploy your model to it.


  • A user with admin privileges has enabled the multi-model serving platform on your OpenShift cluster.


  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to the project details page and click the Models tab.

  2. In the Multi-model serving platform tile, click Add model server.
  3. In the form, provide the following values:

    1. For Model server name, type a name, for example Model Server.
    2. For Serving runtime, select OpenVINO Model Server.
    3. Leave the other fields with the default settings.

      Create model server form
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Models and model servers list, next to the new model server, click Deploy model.

    Create model server form
  6. In the form, provide the following values:

    1. For Model Name, type fraud.
    2. For Model framework, select onnx-1.
    3. For Existing data connection, select My Storage.
    4. Type the path that leads to the version folder that contains your model file: models/fraud
    5. Leave the other fields with the default settings.

      Deploy model from for multi-model serving
  7. Click Deploy.


Wait for the model to deploy and for the Status to show a green checkmark.

Deployed model status

4.3. Testing the model API

Now that you’ve deployed the model, you can test its API endpoints.


  1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to the project details page and click the Models tab.
  2. Take note of the model’s Inference endpoint. You need this information when you test the model API.

    Model inference endpoint
  3. Return to the Jupyter environment and try out your new endpoint.

    If you deployed your model with multi-model serving, follow the directions in 3_rest_requests_multi_model.ipynb to try a REST API call and 4_grpc_requests_multi_model.ipynb to try a gRPC API call.

    If you deployed your model with single-model serving, follow the directions in 5_rest_requests_single_model.ipynb to try a REST API call.

Running a data science pipeline generated from Python code

Chapter 5. Implementing pipelines

5.1. Automating workflows with data science pipelines

In previous sections of this tutorial, you used a notebook to train and save your model. Optionally, you can automate these tasks by using Red Hat OpenShift AI pipelines. Pipelines offer a way to automate the execution of multiple notebooks and Python code. By using pipelines, you can execute long training jobs or retrain your models on a schedule without having to manually run them in a notebook.

In this section, you create a simple pipeline by using the GUI pipeline editor. The pipeline uses the notebook that you used in previous sections to train a model and then save it to S3 storage.

Your completed pipeline should look like the one in the 6 Train Save.pipeline file.

Note: You can run and use 6 Train Save.pipeline. To explore the pipeline editor, complete the steps in the following procedure to create your own pipeline.

5.1.1. Create a pipeline

  1. Open your workbench’s JupyterLab environment. If the launcher is not visible, click + to open it.

    Pipeline buttons
  2. Click Pipeline Editor.

    Pipeline Editor button

    You’ve created a blank pipeline!

  3. Set the default runtime image for when you run your notebook or Python code.

    1. In the pipeline editor, click Open Panel.

      Open Panel
    2. Select the Pipeline Properties tab.

      Pipeline Properties Tab
    3. In the Pipeline Properties panel, scroll down to Generic Node Defaults and Runtime Image. Set the value to Tensorflow with Cuda and Python 3.9 (UBI 9).

      Pipeline Runtime Image0
  4. Save the pipeline.

5.1.2. Add nodes to your pipeline

Add some steps, or nodes in your pipeline. Your two nodes will use the 1_experiment_train.ipynb and 2_save_model.ipynb notebooks.

  1. From the file-browser panel, drag the 1_experiment_train.ipynb and 2_save_model.ipynb notebooks onto the pipeline canvas.

    Drag and Drop Notebooks
  2. Click the output port of 1_experiment_train.ipynb and drag a connecting line to the input port of 2_save_model.ipynb.

    Connect Nodes
  3. Save the pipeline.

5.1.3. Specify the training file as a dependency

Set node properties to specify the training file as a dependency.

Note: If you don’t set this file dependency, the file is not included in the node when it runs and the training job fails.

  1. Click the 1_experiment_train.ipynb node.

    Select Node 1
  2. In the Properties panel, click the Node Properties tab.
  3. Scroll down to the File Dependencies section and then click Add.

    Add File Dependency
  4. Set the value to data/card_transdata.csv which contains the data to train your model.
  5. Select the Include Subdirectories option and then click Add.

    Set File Dependency Value
  6. Save the pipeline.

5.1.4. Create and store the ONNX-formatted output file

In node 1, the notebook creates the models/fraud/1/model.onnx file. In node 2, the notebook uploads that file to the S3 storage bucket. You must set models/fraud/1/model.onnx file as the output file for both nodes.

  1. Select node 1 and then select the Node Properties tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Output Files section, and then click Add.
  3. Set the value to models/fraud/1/model.onnx and then click Add.

    Set file dependency value
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for node 2.
  5. Save the pipeline.

5.1.5. Configure the data connection to the S3 storage bucket

In node 2, the notebook uploads the model to the S3 storage bucket.

You must set the S3 storage bucket keys by using the secret created by the My Storage data connection that you set up in the Storing data with data connections section of this tutorial.

You can use this secret in your pipeline nodes without having to save the information in your pipeline code. This is important, for example, if you want to save your pipelines - without any secret keys - to source control.

The secret is named aws-connection-my-storage.


If you named your data connection something other than My Storage, you can obtain the secret name in the OpenShift AI dashboard by hovering over the resource information icon ? in the Data Connections tab.

My Storage Secret Name

The aws-connection-my-storage secret includes the following fields:


You must set the secret name and key for each of these fields.


  1. Remove any pre-filled environment variables.

    1. Select node 2, and then select the Node Properties tab.

      Under Additional Properties, note that some environment variables have been pre-filled. The pipeline editor inferred that you need them from the notebook code.

      Since you don’t want to save the value in your pipelines, remove all of these environment variables.

    2. Click Remove for each of the pre-filled environment variables.

      Remove Env Var
  2. Add the S3 bucket and keys by using the Kubernetes secret.

    1. Under Kubernetes Secrets, click Add.

      Add Kube Secret
    2. Enter the following values and then click Add.

      • Environment Variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
      • Secret Name: aws-connection-my-storage
      • Secret Key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

        Secret Form
    3. Repeat Steps 2a and 2b for each set of these Kubernetes secrets:

      • Environment Variable: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

        • Secret Name: aws-connection-my-storage
        • Secret Key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
      • Environment Variable: AWS_S3_ENDPOINT

        • Secret Name: aws-connection-my-storage
        • Secret Key: AWS_S3_ENDPOINT
      • Environment Variable: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

        • Secret Name: aws-connection-my-storage
        • Secret Key: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
      • Environment Variable: AWS_S3_BUCKET

        • Secret Name: aws-connection-my-storage
        • Secret Key: AWS_S3_BUCKET
  3. Save and Rename the .pipeline file.

5.1.6. Run the Pipeline

Upload the pipeline on your cluster and run it. You can do so directly from the pipeline editor. You can use your own newly created pipeline for this or 6 Train Save.pipeline.


  1. Click the play button in the toolbar of the pipeline editor.

    Pipeline Run Button
  2. Enter a name for your pipeline.
  3. Verify the Runtime Configuration: is set to Data Science Pipeline.
  4. Click OK.


    If Data Science Pipeline is not available as a runtime configuration, you may have created your notebook before the pipeline server was available. You can restart your notebook after the pipeline server has been created in your data science project.

  5. Return to your data science project and expand the newly created pipeline.

    dsp pipeline complete
  6. Click View runs and then view the pipeline run in progress.

    pipeline run complete

The result should be a models/fraud/1/model.onnx file in your S3 bucket which you can serve, just like you did manually in the Preparing a model for deployment section.

5.2. Running a data science pipeline generated from Python code

In the previous section, you created a simple pipeline by using the GUI pipeline editor. It’s often desirable to create pipelines by using code that can be version-controlled and shared with others. The kfp SDK provides a Python API for creating pipelines. The SDK is available as a Python package that you can install by using the pip install kfp command. With this package, you can use Python code to create a pipeline and then compile it to YAML format. Then you can import the YAML code into OpenShift AI.

This tutorial does not delve into the details of how to use the SDK. Instead, it provides the files for you to view and upload.

  1. Optionally, view the provided Python code in your Jupyter environment by navigating to the fraud-detection-notebooks project’s pipeline directory. It contains the following files:

    • is the main pipeline code.
    •,, and are the three components of the pipeline.
    • is a script that builds the pipeline and creates the YAML file.

      For your convenience, the output of the script is provided in the 7_get_data_train_upload.yaml file. The 7_get_data_train_upload.yaml output file is located in the top-level fraud-detection directory.

  2. Right-click the 7_get_data_train_upload.yaml file and then click Download.
  3. Upload the 7_get_data_train_upload.yaml file to OpenShift AI.

    1. In the OpenShift AI dashboard, navigate to your data science project page. Click the Pipelines tab and then click Import pipeline.

      dsp pipeline import
    2. Enter values for Pipeline name and Pipeline description.
    3. Click Upload and then select 7_get_data_train_upload.yaml from your local files to upload the pipeline.

      dsp pipline import upload
    4. Click Import pipeline to import and save the pipeline.

      The pipeline shows in the list of pipelines.

  4. Expand the pipeline item, click the action menu (⋮), and then select View runs.

    dsp pipline view runs
  5. Click Create run.
  6. On the Create run page, provide the following values:

    1. For Name, type any name, for example Run 1.
    2. For Pipeline, select the pipeline that you uploaded.

      You can leave the other fields with their default values.

      Create Pipeline Run form
  7. Click Create to create the run.

    A new run starts immediately. The Details page shows a pipeline created in Python that is running in OpenShift AI.

    pipeline run in progress

Chapter 6. Conclusion


In this tutorial, you learned how to incorporate data science and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into an OpenShift development workflow.

You used an example fraud detection model and completed the following tasks:

  • Explored a pre-trained fraud detection model by using a Jupyter notebook.
  • Deployed the model by using OpenShift AI model serving.
  • Refined and trained the model by using automated pipelines.

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