Red Hat Training

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6.7.4. Configuration Files

This tab allows you to manage your configuration files independently. Both centrally-managed and locally-managed files can be reached from sub-tabs.


By default, the maximum file size for confiugration files is 128KB. If you need to change that value, find or create the following line in the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf file:
Change the value from 128 to whatever limit you want in bytes. Centrally-Managed Files

Centrally-managed files are those that are available to multiple systems. Changing a file within a centrally-managed channel may result in changes to several systems.
This page lists all files that are currently stored in your central configuration channels. Click on the Path of a file to be taken to the Configuration File Details page for that file. Select the name of the configuration channel to be taken to the Channel Details page of the channel that contains the file. Clicking on the number of systems takes you to a listing of systems currently subscribed to the channel containing that file. Finally, clicking on the number of overriding systems displays a list of systems that have a local (or override) version of the configuration files (which means that the centrally-managed file will not be deployed to those systems.)