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14.14. Subqueries

For databases that support subselects, Hibernate supports subqueries within queries. A subquery must be surrounded by parentheses (often by an SQL aggregate function call). Even correlated subqueries (subqueries that refer to an alias in the outer query) are allowed.
from Cat as fatcat
where fatcat.weight > (
    select avg(cat.weight) from DomesticCat cat
from DomesticCat as cat
where = some (
    select name.nickName from Name as name
from Cat as cat
where not exists (
    from Cat as mate where mate.mate = cat
from DomesticCat as cat
where not in (
    select name.nickName from Name as name
select, (select max(kit.weight) from cat.kitten kit)
from Cat as cat
Note that HQL subqueries can occur only in the select or where clauses.
Note that subqueries can also utilize row value constructor syntax. Refer to Section 14.19, “Row Value Constructor Syntax” for further information.