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Chapter 28. Generic Fault Handling


The JAX-WS specification defines two types of faults. One is a generic JAX-WS runtime exception. The other is a protocol specific class of exceptions that is thrown during message processing.

28.1. Runtime Faults


Most of the JAX-WS APIs throw a generic exception.

APIs that throw WebServiceException

Table 28.1, “APIs that Throw WebServiceException lists some of the JAX-WS APIs that can throw the generic WebServiceException exception.

Table 28.1. APIs that Throw WebServiceException

Binding.setHandlerChain()There is an error in the handler chain configuration.
BindingProvider.getEndpointReference()The specified class is not assigned from a W3CEndpointReference.
Dispatch.invoke()There is an error in the Dispatch instance's configuration or an error occurred while communicating with the service.
Dispatch.invokeAsync()There is an error in the Dispatch instance's configuration.
Dispatch.invokeOneWay()There is an error in the Dispatch instance's configuration or an error occurred while communicating with the service.
LogicalMessage.getPayload()An error occurred when using a supplied JAXBContext to unmarshall the payload. The cause field of the WebServiceException contains the original JAXBException.
LogicalMessage.setPayload()An error occurred when setting the payload of the message. If the exception is thrown when using a JAXBContext, the cause field of the WebServiceException contains the original JAXBException.
WebServiceContext.getEndpointReference()The specified class is not assigned from a W3CEndpointReference.