Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 10. ODBC Support

10.1. Introduction

10.1.1. JBoss Data Virtualization and ODBC

JBoss Data Virtualization provides Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) access to deployed VDBs by emulating the PostgreSQL database server.
ODBC-compliant client applications can connect to a VDB using the supported PostgreSQL ODBC driver. The supported PostgreSQL ODBC driver is available for download at
Before an application can use ODBC, you must first install the ODBC driver on the machine the application is running on and create a Data Source Name (DSN) that represents a connection profile for your VDB.


JBoss Data Virtualization currently only supports plaintext password authentication for ODBC. If the client/server are not configured to use SSL, the password will be sent in plaintext over the network. If you need secure passwords in transit and are not using SSL, then consider installing a security domain that will accept safe password values from the client (for example encrypted or hashed).