Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 6. Extending the Execution Factory Class

6.1. Extending the ExecutionFactory Class

A custom translator must extend the org.teiid.translator.ExecutionFactory class to connect and query a data source. This extended class must provide a constructor with no arguments that can be constructed using Java reflection libraries.
The following is an example constructor:
package org.teiid.translator.custom;

@Translator(name="custom", description="Connect to My EIS")
public class CustomExecutionFactory extends ExecutionFactory<MyConnectionFactory, MyConnection> {

    public CustomExecutionFactory() {
Specify the annotation @Translator on the extended "ExecutionFactory" class. This annotation defines the name and description of your translator, and is also used as an identifier during deployment. This is the name you would be using in the VDB and elsewhere in the configuration to refer to this translator.
MyConnectionFactory specifies the type of ConnectionFactory interface that is expected from the associated resource adapter. This is required as part of the class definition when extending the ExecutionFactory class.
MyConnection specifies the type of Connection interface that is expected from the associated resource adapter. This is required as part of class definition when extending the ExecutionFactory class.