Chapter 2. Notable enhancements

2.1. JakartaEE dependencies have replaced JavaEE dependencies

Before this update, CodeReady Workspaces contained JavaEE dependencies. With this update, CodeReady Workspaces contains JakartaEE dependencies.

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2.2. Selecting an editor by using a factory link parameter on a CodeReady Workspaces instance with Dev Workspace engine

With this update, on a CodeReady Workspaces instance with Dev Workspace engine, users can specify their choices of an editor with the che-editor factory link parameter. For example, https://codeready-<openshift_deployment_name>.<domain_name>#<repository-url>?che-editor=eclipse/che&#45;theia/latest is to select Che-Theia.

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2.3. Standardized configuration for GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket

This enhancement standardizes and simplifies configuration of Git hosting services (GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket) for CodeReady Workspaces workspaces, with OpenShift secrets and OAuth.

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2.4. PostgreSQL upgrade

New CodeReady Workspaces deployments use PostgreSQL 13. Before this update, CodeReady Workspaces deployments were using PostgreSQL 9.6. PostgreSQL 9.6 is deprecated. Migrate deployments created by an earlier version of CodeReady Workspaces. See: Migrating from PostgreSQL 9 to PostgreSQL 13.

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2.5. Support alternate devfile path

With this update, when using the Dev Workspace engine, you can specify the devfile path when creating a workspace from a URL. Use the devfilePath parameter. It enables the coexistence of two devfiles in the same repository, to support the version 1 to version 2 migration.

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2.6. Synchronization of the CodeReady Workspaces server settings to workspaces using the Dev Workspace engine

Before this update, when using the Dev Workspace engine, CodeReady Workspaces workspaces were missing required configuration settings, such as proxy or self-signed certificates. With this update, the settings stored by the CodeReady Workspaces server are propagated to the workspaces.

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2.7. All workspace engines support devfile v2

With this update, CodeReady Workspaces supports creating workspaces from a devfile version 2 on all workspace engines. Before this update, using the Dev Workspace engine was required.

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2.8. CodeReady Workspaces workspaces support the Git Large File Storage extension

With this update, CodeReady Workspaces workspaces support the Git Large File Storage (LFS) extension.

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2.9. Upgrade of the OpenShift Connector extension for Visual Studio Code

The OpenShift Connector extension for Visual Studio Code has been upgraded to version 0.2.11.

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2.10. Fix CodeReady Workspaces operator error when the OpenShift cluster has multiple projects

Before this update, the CodeReady Workspaces operator crashed with an Out Of Memory (OOM) error in OpenShift clusters with multiple projects. With this update, the memory limit is sufficient.

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