Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat AMQ

Chapter 4. Known Issues

  • ENTMQIC-1966 - warning: %postun(qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-9.el6.i686) scriptlet failed, exit status 2

    If you encounter an error warning: %postun(qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-9.el6.i686) scriptlet failed, exit status 2 after installing AMQ Interconnect 1.0.1, check the service qdrouterd status and restart the service if it is running, as shown in the following example:

    # service qdrouterd status
    qdrouterd (pid 3996) is running...
    # service qdrouterd restart
    Shutting down qdrouterd services: [ OK ]
    Starting qdrouterd services: [ OK ]
    # service qdrouterd status
    qdrouterd (pid 4384) is running...
  • ENTMQIC-61 - Memory pools are never returned to heap

    Several heavily used data objects (deliveries, messages, links, buffers, etc.) are managed by Qpid Dispatch Router in pools for efficient allocation. In AMQ Interconnect 1.0, objects in these pools are not returned to the heap at any time. This means that the memory used in large bursts of activity will not be freed, but will remain available for use thereafter. This might be observed as an increase in memory usage that does not decrease after a burst of activity is completed. Subsequent bursts of activity will use the same memory that was used previously. Methods of returning large amounts of pooled objects back to the heap are being developed and a solution will be included in a future version of the Router.

Revised on 2017-11-22 09:42:38 EST