Chapter 5. Adding TLS Certificates to the Red Hat Quay Container

To add custom TLS certificates to Red Hat Quay, create a new directory named extra_ca_certs/ beneath the Red Hat Quay config directory. Copy any required site-specific TLS certificates to this new directory.

5.1. Add TLS certificates to Red Hat Quay

  1. View certificate to be added to the container

    $ cat storage.crt
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Create certs directory and copy certificate there

    $ mkdir -p quay/config/extra_ca_certs
    $ cp storage.crt quay/config/extra_ca_certs/
    $ tree quay/config/
    ├── config.yaml
    ├── extra_ca_certs
    │   ├── storage.crt
  3. Obtain the Quay container’s CONTAINER ID with podman ps:

    $ sudo podman ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
    5a3e82c4a75f        <registry>/<repo>/quay:v3.11.1 "/sbin/my_init"          24 hours ago        Up 18 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp, 443/tcp   grave_keller
  4. Restart the container with that ID:

    $ sudo podman restart 5a3e82c4a75f
  5. Examine the certificate copied into the container namespace:

    $ sudo podman exec -it 5a3e82c4a75f cat /etc/ssl/certs/storage.pem

5.2. Adding custom SSL/TLS certificates when Red Hat Quay is deployed on Kubernetes

When deployed on Kubernetes, Red Hat Quay mounts in a secret as a volume to store config assets. Currently, this breaks the upload certificate function of the superuser panel.

As a temporary workaround, base64 encoded certificates can be added to the secret after Red Hat Quay has been deployed.

Use the following procedure to add custom SSL/TLS certificates when Red Hat Quay is deployed on Kubernetes.


  • Red Hat Quay has been deployed.
  • You have a custom ca.crt file.


  1. Base64 encode the contents of an SSL/TLS certificate by entering the following command:

    $ cat ca.crt | base64 -w 0

    Example output


  2. Enter the following kubectl command to edit the quay-enterprise-config-secret file:

    $ kubectl --namespace quay-enterprise edit secret/quay-enterprise-config-secret
  3. Add an entry for the certificate and paste the full base64 encoded stringer under the entry. For example:

  4. Use the kubectl delete command to remove all Red Hat Quay pods. For example:

    $ kubectl delete pod quay-operator.v3.7.1-6f9d859bd-p5ftc quayregistry-clair-postgres-7487f5bd86-xnxpr quayregistry-quay-app-upgrade-xq2v6  quayregistry-quay-database-859d5445ff-cqthr quayregistry-quay-redis-84f888776f-hhgms

    Afterwards, the Red Hat Quay deployment automatically schedules replace pods with the new certificate data.