Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Web Server

10.2. Configure the Demo Client

You must configure the demonstration's Client Control parameters to ensure the client operates as expected throughout the demonstration.

Task: Configure Client Control Tab Fields

Complete this task to learn the values you must supply in the Client Control tab of the Load Balancing Demonstration.


Complete Task: Start the Demo before continuing with this task.
  1. Click the Client Control tab.
  2. Based on the following field definitions, supply values for all fields on the Client Control tab.
    Proxy Hostname
    Hostname of the load-balancing proxy server, or the IP address on which the proxy server is listening for requests. The default value for this field is localhost, or determined by the system property, if set.
    Edit the value in to avoid re-setting this value each time you use the demo.
    Proxy Port
    Port on which the load-balancing proxy server listens for requests. The default value is 8000, or determined by the mod_cluster.proxy.port property, if set.
    Edit the -Dmod_cluster.proxy.port=8000 value in to avoid re-setting this value each time you use the demo.
    Context Path
    The part of the request URL that specifies the request is for load-demo.war.
    Session Life
    Number of seconds a client thread should use a session before invalidating or abandoning it. This should be a small value, or session stickiness can prevent changes in server load from affecting the proxy server's routing decisions. When sticky sessions are enabled (strongly recommended), the creation of new sessions allows the proxy to balance the workload.
    When checked, specifies that a session is invalidated by the client thread when the thread stops using a session. When unchecked, the session is abandoned, and exists on the worker node until the session timeout expires.
    Session Timeout
    The number of seconds a session can remain unused before the worker node can expire and remove the session.
    Deselecting Invalidate and setting a high value relative to session life causes a significant number of unused sessions to accumulate on the server.
    Num Threads
    Number of client threads to launch. Each thread repeatedly makes requests until the Stop button is pressed, or a request receives a response other than HTTP 200.
    Sleep Time
    Number of milliseconds that client threads should sleep between requests.
    Startup Time
    Number of seconds over which the application should stagger client thread start-up. Staggering the start time of sessions avoids the unrealistic situation where all sessions start and end almost simultaneously. Staggering the start time allows the proxy to continually see new sessions and decide how to route them.
  3. Once you have specified the values, proceed to Task: Interact with the Demonstration.