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4.3. RHQStorage - RHQ Storage Node Server


Table 4.49. Overview

Description:RHQ Storage Node
Singleton: no

Child Resource Types


Autodiscovery Process Scans

Table 4.50. Metrics


Connection Properties

Table 4.51. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Manager URLThe RMI URL with which to connect to the RHQ Storage Node (e.g. service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7199/jmxrmi). yes connectorAddress
TypeThe type used to establish the EMS connection to the RHQ Storage Node. yes type
Base DirectoryThe base directory from which the Cassandra Daemon was launched. no baseDir
YAML Configuration FileYAML Configuration File yes yamlConfiguration
Jmx PortThe JMX port for the RHQ Storage Node yes jmxPort
HostThe host on which the RHQ Storage Node listens to CQL client connections yes host
Cluster NameCluster name yes clusterName
Command Linethe command line of the JVM at the time it was discovered - only used by JVMs with type Local; if the command line of the JVM changes, this property's value will need to be updated accordingly in order for RHQ to connect to the JVM no commandLine


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 4.52. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Min Heap SizeThe minimum heap size. This value will be used with the -Xms JVM option. This is read only because it is automatically set to the same value as Max Heap Size. yes minHeapSize
Max Heap SizeThe maximum heap size. This value will be used with the -Xmx JVM option. The value should be an integer with a suffix of M or G to indicate megabytes or gigabytes. yes maxHeapSize
Heap New SizeThe size of the new generation portion of the heap. This value will be used with the -Xmn JVM option. The value should be an integer with a suffix of M or G to indicate megabytes or gigabytes. yes heapNewSize
Thread Stack SizeThe thread stack size. This memory is allocated to each thread off heap. The value should be an integer that will be interpreted in kilobytes. yes threadStackSize
Heap Dump on OutOfMemoryErrorGenerate a heap dump when an OutOfMemoryError occurs yes heapDumpOnOOMError
Heap Dump DirectoryThe directory in which heap dumps will be written. no heapDumpDir
CQL PortThe port on which to listen for client requests over the native, CQL protocol. This is a shared, cluster-wide setting. yes cqlPort
Gossip PortThe port used for internode communication. This is a shared, cluster-wide setting. yes gossipPort


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 4.53. Metrics

ShutdownShuts down the Cassandra daemon
StartStarts the Cassandra daemon
RestartRestarts the Cassandra daemon
DecommissionTake the storage node out of service. This operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the undeployment process. Please see the storage node (un)deployment documentation for more information.
UninstallRemoves all of the storage node files from disk. This operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the undeployment process. Please see the storage node (un)deployment documentation for more information.
RepairRuns anti-entropy repair on the primary range of rhq and system_auth keyspaces
Add Node MaintenanceThis operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the deployment process. Please see the storage node deployment documentation for more information.
Remove Node MaintenanceThis operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the undeployment process. Please see the storage node (un)deployment documentation for more information.
AnnounceThis operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the deployment process. Please see the storage node deployment documentation for more information.
UnannounceThis operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the undeployment process. Please see the storage node (un)deployment documentation for more information.
Prepare For BootstrapThis operation is NOT intended for direct usage. It is part of the deployment process. Please see the storage node deployment documentation for more information.
Prepare For UpgradePrepares the storage node for upgrade (this operation consists of following steps: 1) turning off the RPC server, 2) turning off the gossiper, 3) taking the snapshot (backuping the data), 4) invoking the drain operation
Update Seeds ListUpdatess the node's seeds property in cassandra.yaml
Update ConfigurationUpdates the node configuration. Will require a separate server restart for the settings to take effect.

Package Types
