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10.2. Model Object Editors

The primary actions for editing model objects are:
  • Cut - Deletes the selected object(s) and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Copy - Copies the selected object(s) to the clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the selected context.
  • Clone - Duplicates the selected object in the same location with the same name; user is able to rename the new object right in the tree.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected object(s).
  • Rename - Allows a user to rename an object.
These actions are presented in Teiid Designer's Edit menu and also in the right-click context menus for model objects selected in the Model Explorer, Dialog Editor and Table Editor.
Modeling Sub-Menu

In addition to the New Child/Sibling/Association menus available for object creation Teiid Designer provides a Modeling sub-menu which presents various object-specific actions which can be performed.

If you select a source table, for instance, the Modeling menu below would be presented:
Modeling Sub-Menu for Source Table

Figure 10.11. Modeling Sub-Menu for Source Table

If a view table is selected, the menu would reflect the actions related to virtual operations:
Modeling Sub-Menu for Source Table

Figure 10.12. Modeling Sub-Menu for Source Table

Teiid Designer also provides specialized object editors to handle complex model objects and their unique properties.