7.5. Dependency Management

In order to use the correct Maven dependencies in your Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite project, you must add relevant Bill Of Materials (BOM) files to the project's pom.xml file. Adding the BOM files ensures that the correct versions of transitive dependencies from the provided Maven repositories are included in the project.
To use the JBoss BPM Suite Maven artifacts, you need to configure one of the following:
The Maven Central online repository, which is also required, is configured by default in Maven. It has to be reachable for your project to function properly, even if you selected the local Maven repository.
Depending on your project requirements, declare the dependencies in your POM file in the dependencies section:
  • org.jboss.bom.brms:jboss-brms-bpmsuite-bom:VERSION: This is the basic BOM without any Java EE6 support.
  • org.jboss.bom.brms:jboss-javaee-6.0-with-brms-bpmsuite:VERSION: This provides support for Java EE6.