2.3. Known Issues


BZ#1242954 - SELinux prevents qpidd from starting after update MRGM 3.1 to MRGM 3.2


Customers should be aware that they need to upgrade to the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (6.7.2) and the SELinux policy files shipped with it to get started with MRG-M 3.2. Any other version of RHEL/SELinux can produce Permission denied errors.


BZ#1267276 - Inappropriate message logged by the SSL client

When the java client (qpid-java package) is verifying the hostname from a valid server certificate, an error message is logged even though the verification succeeds:
IoReceiver - <hostname>/<ip>:<port> 2015-09-21 14:52:46,392 WARN [network.security.ssl.SSLUtil] Exception received while trying to verify hostname

The message can be ignored.
BZ#1267275 - The hostname from the server certificate is parsed incorrectly

When the java client (qpid-java) parses the server certificate, it expects the 'subject' to begin with CN=<hostname>.

If it does not, the certificate fails to parse correctly and the SSL hostname verification will fail. This will fail even if the CN appears elsewhere in the subject.

The workaround is to make sure the subject starts with CN.


BZ#1203298 - User options "qpid.file_size" and "qpid.file_count" are always blocked by ACL rules

ACL limit properties "filemaxsizelowerlimit" and "filemaxsizeupperlimit" were not honored for "qpid.file_size". Similarly, "filemaxcountlowerlimit" and "filemaxcountupperlimit" were not honored for the "qpid.file_count" option. Both options are no longer supported with LinearStore, and should not be used.
BZ#1171817 - Hello example incompatible with java-1.6

An issue with the Hello example not being compatible with java-1.6 because of "try-with-resources" (introduced in java-1.7) caused compilation errors when building with java-1.6. Using Java qpid client applications and examples require java-1.7 or higher, therefore it is mandatory to upgrade your java environment to prevent compilation and execution problems.