3.6. Image Builder blueprint format

Image Builder blueprints are stored as plain text in the Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language (TOML) format.
The elements of a typical blueprint file include:
The blueprint metadata
version = "VERSION"
modules = []
groups = []

Replace BLUEPRINT-NAME and LONG FORM DESCRIPTION TEXT with a name and description for your blueprint.

Replace VERSION with a version number according to the Semantic Versioning scheme.

This part is present only once for the whole blueprint file.

The entry modules describe the package names and matching version glob to be installed into the image and the entry group describe a group of packages to be installed into the image. If you do not add these items, the blueprint indentify them as an empyt lists.
Packages included in the image
name = "package-name"
version = "package-version"

Replace package-name with name of the package, such as httpd, gdb-doc, or coreutils.

Replace package-version with a version to use. This field supports dnf version specifications:
  • For a specific version, use the exact version number such as 7.30.
  • For latest available version, use the asterisk *.
  • For a latest minor version, use format such as 7.*.
Repeat this block for every package to be included.