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8.128. numactl

Updated numactl packages that fix two bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The numactl packages provide a simple Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) policy support and consist of the numactl program to run other programs with a specific NUMA policy and the libnuma library to do allocations in applications using the NUMA policy.

Bug Fixes

Prior to this update, the "localalloc" option was not described clearly in the numactl(8) manual page, which could cause confusion. This update adds a clear description of "localalloc" to the numactl(8) manual page.
Due to a bug in the numastat utility source code, output of the "numastat -m" command reported incorrect values of the amount of allocated static huge page memory. A patch has been applied to address this bug, and numastat now calculates huge page sizes properly.
Users of numactl are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs.