Chapter 6. Performing Cross-Site Replication Operations

Data Grid clusters running in different locations can discover and communicate with each other to backup data.


  • Start the Data Grid CLI.
  • Connect to a running Data Grid cluster.

6.1. Bringing backup locations offline and online

Take backup locations offline manually and bring them back online.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Check if backup locations are online or offline with the site status command:

    site status --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

    --site is an optional argument. If not set, the CLI returns all backup locations.


    Use the --all-caches option to get the backup location status for all caches.

  2. Manage backup locations as follows:

    • Bring backup locations online with the bring-online command:

      site bring-online --cache=customers --site=NYC
    • Take backup locations offline with the take-offline command:

      site take-offline --cache=customers --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to bring a backup location online, or take a backup location offline, for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.

6.2. Configuring cross-site state transfer modes

You can configure cross-site state transfer operations to happen automatically when Data Grid detects that backup locations come online. Alternatively you can use the default mode, which is to manually perform state transfer.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  1. Use the site command to configure state transfer modes, as in the following examples:

    • Retrieve the current state transfer mode.

      site state-transfer-mode get --cache=cacheName --site=NYC
    • Configure automatic state transfer operations for a cache and backup location.

      site state-transfer-mode set --cache=cacheName --site=NYC --mode=AUTO

Run the help site command for more information and examples.

6.3. Pushing state to backup locations

Transfer cache state to backup locations.


  • Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.


  • Use the site push-site-state command to push state transfer, as in the following example:

    site push-site-state --cache=cacheName --site=NYC

Use the --all-caches option to push state transfer for all caches.

For more information and examples, run the help site command.