Chapter 8. Configuring a Thorntail application

You can configure numerous options with applications built with Thorntail. For most options, reasonable defaults are already applied, so you do not have to change any options unless you explicitly want to.

This reference is a complete list of all configurable items, grouped by the fraction that introduces them. Only the items related to the fractions that your application uses are relevant to you.

8.1. System properties

Using system properties for configuring your application is advantageous for experimenting, debugging, and other short-term activities.

8.1.1. Commonly used system properties

This is a non-exhaustive list of system properties you are likely to use in your application:

General system properties


The interface to bind servers



The global port adjustment




The context path for the deployed application




The port for the HTTP server




The port for the HTTPS server




If provided, the Thorntail process will pause for debugging on the given port.

This option is only available when running an Arquillian test or starting the application using the mvn thorntail:run command, not when executing a JAR file. The JAR file execution requires normal Java debug agent parameters.



Datasource-related system properties

With JDBC driver autodetection, use the following properties to configure the datasource:

The name of the datasource




The user name to access the database




The password to access the database




The JDBC connection URL




For a full set of available properties, see the documentation for each fraction and the javadocs on class

8.1.2. Application configuration using system properties

Configuration properties are presented using dotted notation, and are suitable for use as Java system property names, which your application consumes through explicit setting in the Maven plugin configuration, or through the command line when your application is being executed.

Any property that has the KEY parameter in its name indicates that you must supply a key or identifier in that segment of the name.

Configuration of items with the KEY parameter

A configuration item documented as thorntail.undertow.servers.KEY.default-host indicates that the configuration applies to a particular named server.

In practical usage, the property would be, for example, thorntail.undertow.servers.default.default-host for a server known as default.

8.1.3. Setting system properties using the Maven plugin

Setting properties using the Maven plugin is useful for temporarily changing a configuration item for a single execution of your Thorntail application.


Even though the configuration in the POM file of your application is persistent, it is not recommended to use it for long-term configuration of your application. Instead, use the YAML configuration files.

If you want to set explicit configuration values as defaults through the Maven plugin, add a <properties> section to the <configuration> block of the plugin in the pom.xml file in your application.

  • Your Thorntail-based application with a POM file
  1. In the POM file of your application, locate the configuration you want to modify.
  2. Insert a block with configuration of the io.thorntail:thorntail-maven-plugin artifact, for example:


    In the example above, the thorntail.bind.address property is set to and the property is set to true.

8.1.4. Setting system properties using the command line

Setting properties using the Maven plugin is useful for temporarily changing a configuration item for a single execution of your Thorntail application.

You can customize an environment-specific setting or experiment with configuration items before setting them in a YAML configuration file.

To use a property on the command line, pass it as a command-line parameter to the Java binary:

  • A JAR file with your application
  1. In a terminal application, navigate to the directory with your application JAR file.
  2. Execute your application JAR file using the Java binary and specify the property and its value:

    $ java -Dthorntail.bind.address= -jar myapp-thorntail.jar

    In this example, you assing the value to the property called thorntail.bind.address.

8.1.5. Specifying JDBC drivers for hollow JARs

When executing a hollow JAR, you can specify a JDBC Driver JAR using the thorntail.classpath property. This way, you do not need to package the driver in the hollow JAR.

The thorntail.classpath property accepts one or more paths to JAR files separated by ; (a semicolon). The specified JAR files are added to the classpath of the application.

  • A JAR file with your application
  1. In a terminal application, navigate to the directory with your application JAR file.
  2. Execute your application JAR file using the Java binary and specify the JDBC driver:

    $ java -Dthorntail.classpath=./h2-1.4.196.jar -jar microprofile-jpa-hollow-thorntail.jar example-jpa-jaxrs-cdi.war

8.2. Environment Variables

Use environment variables to configure your application or override values stored in YAML files.

8.2.1. Application configuration using environment variables

Use environment variables to configure your application in various deployments—​especially in a containerized environment, such as Docker.

Example 8.1. Environment variables configuration

A property documented as thorntail.undertow.servers.KEY.default-host translates to the following environment variable (substituting the KEY segment with the default identifier):


Unlike other configuration options, properties defined as environment variables in Linux-based containers do not allow defining non-alphanumeric characters like dot (.), dash/hyphen (-) or any other characters not in the [A-Za-z0-9_] range. Many configuration properties in Thorntail contain these characters, so you must follow these rules when defining the environment variables in the following environments:

Linux-based container rules

  • It is a naming convention that all environment properties are defined using uppercase letters. For example, define the serveraddress property as SERVERADDRESS.
  • All the dot (.) characters must be replaced with underscore (_). For example, define the thorntail.bind.address= property as THORNTAIL_BIND_ADDRESS=
  • All dash/hyphen (-) characters must be replaced with the _DASH_ string. For example, define the<url> property as THORNTAIL_DATA_DASH_SOURCES_FOO_URL=<url>.
  • If the property name contains underscores, all underscore (_) characters must be replaced with the _UNDERSCORE_ string. For example, define the<url> property as THORNTAIL_DATA_UNDERSCORE_SOURCES_FOO_URL=<url>.

Example 8.2. An example data source configuration

System property jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sampledb

Env. variable


System property

Env. variable


System property

Env. variable


System property

Env. variable


System property

Env. variable


8.3. YAML files

YAML is the preferred method for long-term configuration of your application. In addition to that, the YAML strategy provides grouping of environment-specific configurations, which you can selectively enable when executing the application.

8.3.1. The general YAML file format

The Thorntail configuration item names correspond to the YAML configuration structure. That is, if you want to write a piece of YAML configuration for some configuration property, you just need to separate the configuration property around the . characters.

Example 8.3. YAML configuration

For example, a configuration item documented as thorntail.undertow.servers.KEY.default-host translates to the following YAML structure, substituting the KEY segment with the default identifier:

        default-host: <myhost>

This simple rule applies always, there are no exceptions and no additional delimiters. Most notably, some Eclipse MicroProfile specifications define configuration properties that use / as a delimiter, because the . character is used in fully qualified class names. When writing the YAML configuration, it is still required to split around . and not around /.

Example 8.4. YAML configuration for MicroProfile Rest Client

For example, MicroProfile Rest Client specifies that you can configure URL of an external service with a configuration property named com.example.demo.client.Service/mp-rest/url. This translates to the following YAML:

        Service/mp-rest/url: http://localhost:8080/...

8.3.2. Default Thorntail YAML Files

By default, Thorntail looks up permanent configuration in files with specific names to put on the classpath.


If the original .war file with your application contains a file named project-defaults.yml, that file represents the defaults applied over the absolute defaults that Thorntail provides.

Other default file names

In addition to the project-defaults.yml file, you can provide specific configuration files using the -S <name> command-line option. The specified files are loaded, in the order you provided them, before project-defaults.yml. A name provided in the -S <name> argument specifies the project-<name>.yml file on your classpath.

Example 8.5. Specifying configuration files on the command line

Consider the following application execution:

$ java -jar myapp-thorntail.jar -Stesting -Scloud

The following YAML files are loaded, in this order. The first file containing a given configuration item takes precedence over others:

  1. project-testing.yml
  2. project-cloud.yml
  3. project-defaults.yml

8.3.3. Non-default Thorntail YAML configuration files

In addition to default configuration files for your Thorntail-based application, you can specify YAML files outside of your application. Use the -s <path> command-line option to load the desired file.

Both the -s <path> and -S <name> command-line options can be used at the same time, but files specified using the -s <path> option take precedence over YAML files contained in your application.

Example 8.6. Specifying configuration files inside and outside of the application

Consider the following application execution:

$ java -jar myapp-thorntail.jar -s/home/app/openshift.yml -Scloud -Stesting

The following YAML files are loaded, in this order:

  1. /home/app/openshift.yml
  2. project-cloud.yml
  3. project-testing.yml
  4. project-defaults.yml

The same order of preference is applied even if you invoke the application as follows:

$ java -jar myapp-thorntail.jar -Scloud -Stesting -s/home/app/openshift.yml