4.7.3. Install JBoss EAP 6 automatically by Specifying the Key Values/Passwords During Install Time

Use the following procedure for automatically installing JBoss EAP 6.3 by specifying the key values/passwords during install time.

Procedure 4.12. 

  • Run the installer with variables argument

    You can initiate automated installation by running the installer with variables argument and then specifying a variable list. This variables argument will help you define variables along with the key/password values during install time. To initiate the installation process open a terminal and enter the following command with relevant filenames:
    java -jar jboss-eap-6.3.0-installer.jar auto.xml -variables adminPassword=password#2,vault.keystorepwd=vaultkeystorepw,ssl.password=user12345


    It is important to specify the variable names (adminPassword, keystorepwd and ssl.password) without any empty space for successful installation.